m: wane TRILLIUM was adopted as Omcmo‘s Harm emb‘em by \eg‘s‘uï¬an m 1937. The flower Is one of me early spring variety urd m be seen 0' its very hes? m Aer and May. n grows mm m the woozflzmd urea: behre We Irccs have spread n lenf mropy ove'head. Accordmg m Ihc Canadian Name mam-me, "Vhis "mm pram Wm. H5 bum-m waxy, white flowers is associated wn‘n gludness, baaury and flesh hope of spring. ln remme places far flom lawns and mies, one can ï¬nd wI'Ie 'riH'mms In great abundance, extendmg stehmcs as far as the eye can see benemlh Ihe Irees, Assommed Powers are YeHow Adder's Tongue, Dutchman s Breechas. Spring Beauty and many 0mm, making the woods m 5,:ng a pkmre of unbchevuble bzuury and moms-mm " {Royal York Prim} ‘ 751;» minibmrsmy Gianna/won ‘ a; Immuu- of 1} i112 {sampling a} the (ll/men’s Kimmie m @uzan'o a/eLrumy 72, 1979 x 19:30 p.111. @macliun Erme ; é gm; aged!" , Wm. Que 4P .4 (/1610)? ON [Joya] QJLJ gélzel A gémnta f 01([14 Lam»