VDLJ,W7 The members ohthmup known as the Sunslnnc Club nflih'uwd with the Umlod FarmaxPiclure taken about 1925 and gwen by Viola Chamberl. Back Row - Mr: Ran Alchixou; Anme Eldndge', Mrs. Bob Blythe, Mrs. Ken anbkin, Clam Howard; Mn Alfrtd Furbea; Mn. Ceml Barnes; Mrs. (‘heslcr Miller, Mn. Walter Howard qu1 Row - Manley Forbes. Domlhy Archisou. Mary Robinson and Gefludc Eldridge . Du April 3, WW this gmup became Zion Women's [mlimlc Mm A B Samelln explained about W.l and orgmwcd the group V y 7%‘(4475' m “$4444, Jagiwzjfé‘ $21; «(M/M (an;wa jig/22 £14 Jufxvamz ’fmgg erc, . Bj/va‘d’de 71¢ end .c/ «44%, «ml 4 r ww/éa‘KM/g ; -’;/hW'/.&p2 [,4 2’4 4" '1; ï¬/ 7‘ f»? '/(