SECTION I Hepwofth Barbara Reid St Andrews United Church Women (U.C.W ) news: At the October meeting the guest speaker was Rick Hill of the Community Living Program, which started in 1960 WIâ€! ï¬ve ulienls and now in 1999 they have 80 clients. These pro grains are extended from Wiarlon North up the Bruce Peninsula, Sauble and Soulhampton areas as well. They also maintain and care for clients in three group homes With all the goventâ€" R menl cutbacks it is necessary that they look S . blgï¬re . remembrance, Alice Forgraves and Carol Gmy where in charge of the program Carol 1 for donanons in order to run all their helpful programs. Ricks talk was very informative and interesting. The U.C,W gave a donation The November meeting theme was on Gray read a poem on Remembrance Day which was written by her mothers uncle James Uphum. rememliterintsv all the brave men ztnd women, who have fought in the wars [u keel-ting with the derision of I999. to he "The International Recognition ()l The Older Person. Alice Forgmves. introduced Mm :tbcl Tmsk it long ttmc mstdent ot Ihe Hcpworth area as th guc _ maker. In keeping with the theme nt U11: day. her talk was "Remembrance of Seniors 01' the Hepworth area past". Mrs Tntsk has 3 wonderful memory of the )L'Lln gone by and of the men :urtl women who lived and wurkctl in shifting the lovely little Village of Hepwurth with stfvt’ï¬ll husntunes u Butcher shop, post nl'titx, l'unuture tltttury. :t muplt‘ of Hotel: Mabel recalled the numb of the business uwnen ttntl Itsulfllh at that time. Emtly Cltllnlngltttm. thx u Imchcr tn the amt thr it years There wtn the Invortlc phi tn Wllllcr "the Cunnttightun ï¬hflllllg rtntC‘ WlltLh 1* now the hull tllttl'llfllltl .tntt recently it plttquc llLl\ ht'cn platrt'tl Ihctc in honour tit \erll‘Hl‘ .l. ('uttiitughtutt \tht» llillltllt‘tl ltu~ lr|lltl lt‘ the \lllrlL‘C ‘\ll]tt!l:l 31c tlltlllt“. remembered Wu» Aluflllil lï¬zttntntct Mabel H‘CLlllL‘tl tht‘ hlg l'trt- til I‘Ht) tlmtttittctl Initl|lithlllCKNL‘K tn llcprmrth tut Ilm ti itt tltt' uttnlt \u'\l tumcr 'I'ht*ri' wutt- nutty rutllitth m. ttttptry ttt mutt» yum .. Ittttttu Htxlnty hunk til l'ng].tml lIUHI the 15‘le ‘tllt‘Ut n.ttlt't\ .ttttl \Illlt‘l'lt\l hmlt» maxi/mm /\ tutt~t .mntlt-ttttt ulnlt. mm .tmttmt I‘Wt. \tlllt \\’l|tl\' mt,†lntpx .ttttl tltttltt-tt tn I‘k [tic-.ttun l’t.ttt- mitt-m Attytmt- whn ttt tttnt» Ittltl lllcll mum lVlttltlt‘lt'tl \\Illl l’lUt‘ ‘vllltltlllfl un llll‘ pl.ttt- ‘ IL‘HI \M it lllk'l [ml '1». [III\ \\.t\ .t llllltl L'l It \\.t\ .t my Iltlt‘ll‘wllll' ptttytzttn lllt‘ tttut‘ttttyttutt u Ill tlt‘ lilt‘xt‘ltltllttll Ill ,t lowly [littm m Mittvt llI .tttlttttmttttt. t.t ttt-t t. ttllttt littll‘. In In ‘>lllll.'|t|\ \\t t- lllt ll \t‘lU tt t~ttttttttttwttt .t...ttt.t Mnyble, You too are special to our WI. group. We ï¬nd your name on our roll for the past ï¬ï¬‚y 7 seven years. You are the member with the longest membership and we know you attended as a young girl with your mother before your name appeared on the roll. We thank you for the many years of service “For Home and Country" .We appreciate your interest in history , your faithfulness and wfllness as well as your humour. We thank . you as you continue to inspire our group. We present you , this token, with our love. Mayble Trask was preSehfeJ wHk a. I' 1’ Bruce Coun'l“, +4r+an PM and. a. po tnse-Hâ€"to. pin-r n.+ our Christ-nae wry held «1+ +he CeAi'enn‘tnl Reshunn‘l' Say-Hr. Ranch, Dec r I??? W «T MAPLE um Canny/5 m T0 20 v'ro (Hm. Napier a. pas-t- Pregl demi- oc +L: Waltfl'S ns+i+u+e WIS Presen+cd “ï¬'l‘k ¢"Bruce Courriy’H-art‘u Pl 0.“: . 5h: hate wooed- h; E‘foh‘moke. If n Men/bl: spoke on MEMoktE; DC Hts area 144‘ourlqsl-meeh‘n3 inâ€"the old Zion Church May Li"k [$97,