' limit: VALLEY inï¬lsnllci (By Mrs. lac Urbshcltt) D1§TRICT PRESIDENT GUEST SPEAKER AT WJ Mrs. Norman Reid of Oxenden Bruce an’th DiSIIict President. s guest speaker at the May ï¬ltering of the Purple Valley Women Institute held recently at the ‘.v.l. hall. Mrs. Reid chose Friendlinas as her topic, stressing the many ways we can be more friendly and helpful to each other. She also pointed out that children are not naturally prejudiced, parents teach them to be. Mrs. Reid read an appropriate poem The Women Institute Garden. Mrs. George McCartney an» ‘ anounced that the Purple Valley 4-H Homemaking Club have been invited to set up their ex» hibit from Achievement Day at the District Annual on May lath. It was decided that the Institute will pay For everyone's dinner who attends the district Annual representing Purple Valley. A resolution from Lion's Head w.l. to be presented at the Dislrict Annual was voted on. Mrs. Wm. Cook reported on the District Dire ctors meeting held in April. Mrs. Cook was named alternate disutcl direc- tor. The new. programs will be made up on May 215t. lt \vas » asked that anyone with sugg est- ions for celbran‘ng Purple Val-l ley w.l. 35th Anniversary let the committee know before the programs are made up. It was decided to look into the posn‘bility of securing the Orange Hall and an orchestra for a dance on August 2nd. A motion was passed to pay . for a new 75 cup coffee maker and also tlle bill at Taylor Plln-nhi ng. Everyone responded to the Roll Call "Something special about your mother". Mrs. James Urbshott presided for the meeting and also read scripture. Miss M. Patterson of wlalton won the surprise box. The hostess Mrs. Wm. Cook and her assistants sewed a boullu‘ful lunch. Mr and Mrs Allan HOWE. Col- poy's Bay, and Mr and Mrs Hector Howe and family of Owen Sound were Sunday visi-' tors with Mr and Mrs lack Urb- shutt and family. parent†Mr and all“ an Mr and Mrs Hector Coveney during the weekend. , visited Mr James fly. in Owen Sound hospital and‘Mi andVMrs: Louis Guse at Chatsworth re- cently. Mr and Mrs Don Pruder visi Sunday evening ï¬lth Mr and I Mrs Charles Graig at Hope Ix l and family of Lion's Head sp Mother's Day With Mr and Mr Percy Howe and George. Mr Percy Home was a recen visitor at Goderich. Mr and Mrs Lloyd Burt and boys visited Sunday evening with Mr and Mrs Clifford Gila belt. Wm. hrlccartney of Gwen Sound called on Howard Gil- bett Sunday. Mr and Mrs Ker: Urbsholt all lamily of Wiarron \isited Sun day with Mr and Mrs James Urhshort. Mr and Mrs Ed Vergoz or Fleshetron spent the weekend with Mrs James McLean. Sunr day visitors were Mr and Mrs Albert McLean and Sandra of Leith, Mr and Mrs John Mlller and family of Wiarton South, ‘ and Mr and Mrs Eerlby Foster of Lion's Head. There was a good attendance at the Mother's Day service at the United Church here Sunday morning. Mrs George McCartney attend- Gary Coveney of Guelphrviiit; Mr and Mrs Hector Coveney‘ V 3' ed a tea at Ilruce Haven, Walkr erton, recently. -u-0~u- ‘ v PURPLE VALLEY M1,. Hector Cuvclleyr flll's ' .Iames llrhshnlt and Mrs. Jack Urbshmt attended the Cap: lerer United Church Women's meeting Monday evempg at the home of Rev. Norma Secord. Plans were discussed tor the walkalhan Saturday. June 7 at l ( r t la a m., mm the Sidemad along ‘the Llnyrl nurl larnr ot Llon's Head Park. a distance at 15 miles. ll ls cstinlaled lhal loo perr Zen: of the cm Crolrer pasrar. al charge which includes Cape Croker United Church and Purr n1. Valley United Church. alnna wilh l’lev. Mrs_ Secord wrll walk. Walkers have men securlnz lsponsol‘s, The proceeds are for ‘lpaslornl projeclr such as ma. church ï¬lls. the church build- iogs and other projects. A barbecue wl‘l he held al the Lion's Head Park [allowing r the walk. , Miss Joy Elw'qtmdlfnld b1} I‘Pï¬nt the weekend with hau___ , t I s“. Mr and Mrs Carman Caudle ....._i â€"â€"-â€" \yalkalhan from at the 4-H Achieve- .....,........ l‘nrcc Johnston or Ah l I l Khy M cCutlrenn of Day Suceessfult †A new rl-ll Hume-mam; l Clllh project, "'Hle Third Meal", made ll'allulllt rhroutl: the Home Ewnnmh s brunch at ‘ the Ontario Dellill’llv uni at A37 ‘ n’cnlture and Food, has heel] ‘ received with cntllllsldsm and interest tlnullgllunt the past few months in Bruce County. Ap» ploxlmately llorr l-ll Home- making Club men hers rn Bruce County have participated in this project' led by 121,) leaders. The girls are taught to cultivate good food habits through plalnl» ing. preparation and service of meals which are nourishing, ' appeljzing and economical. They practiced including vari- ety and‘rlew ideas in the third or “llghtet ' meal of the day as well asmaking plans for pic~ nics, paï¬osuppers, l-arllucues and Sunday suppers. In order to practice lhrs they :tlldlcd the Variety of foods available on the market and prepared many recipes using at manly different food-stuns :ls possiule. Each girl kept a Record book and recorded a van‘etv nr re- cipes which she rrierl [nough- ollt the prolecl. l tgh Schoor Anurrnnrnn 1‘ y: lIr-prmrrh nl lllllimll‘, .n h hm. :hc m. nu. †Clubr my «'4 ‘. Ill :11: ‘v lrl Hillel) l ‘.t r, pared in ’Ilu l- r h r ,r rr CllIIVAL'thA I“ r Lv l May hrd .ll lh; 'Ar‘r 4m l‘l mu High bl'llnnl. lllrr’mul mlt 1v. Mt lrl- il‘. l ' ,rrm w grow (out, ptrr [m h h .l gum,- >r: rm 'l,l lrmthn,‘ .rpr-h. . r. r llltl 1 \liJll plarmrnrv mrlt p n h; m: spurrnl m-cr rm, in r... m. u. “lll)()ll|llllll\tr1lll‘ ll .lnh. ‘Mn. 1 5|?"ch c::ll Ml', L in! l'll'll land elm on muturr-ll w r rel-lung l’J ‘Tl:!llllt1“_t ErlFtl llltl ’ ‘HL‘t l viill Sall‘irlr'tul‘il :l lpl’DJlxl r ’ ‘ \ler r o mmplm . JHome egougm'sl l change in Bruce ( \\'.:\L,nrcn'rn.\ e inn rum. t a 1.141 ul'aulalt ht Mill‘timlrltll Instltult'. Univr‘lsily nl Guelph. \l'l†l‘cnlau: Ktlrlly (,‘mlhrmril‘r. Brutr‘ trillnly l‘nmn ll'lr‘lmllsi rm‘ the past tlnrp 1 n. :.lr.. lcouhi‘ough. hill 1' u; Iur \l .1103 (ll lllc end Utdul .ln \lml. ‘. Hl CUSO. ‘ _l\liss Fault-k has rnlnplulml ‘clglrt Ilnmclnakhi: null ll l he agrlrllltul'al Clllh Ill‘tlil‘l‘li in her hornr club in Blunuhlall, Went- woljlh County. Sllu was alsn actlvc ln studEnt cullntu ml C a n a d i a n Unil'clslll' Scr- \‘IL'ES while in Gllclnh. 3Il4_i', ll... r. , tor-Wham l, . ECU ‘ l»lrnrr.l.r;.lr r; ., I‘l-l l‘ u «inttcr (\H‘Ihrl‘l? I: can, In Unit! it. rm“ . 7 L