! ‘ . . . EBEDDING_. . . ; “A: m huh: [he «1 m «salt»x lhm hurl: [Vllll <\r . _ 'Lhdll rilst lll ‘llulr hull Muir. Llch or me i; ..l.-rle.i the \‘au uni hill. rm srrcctlrcart .u jlll}. n» w» on topt ltrrtr girl 5 illd r while r tun pille =w:r:t|\e.irl _ uncut uh: lcal Hull .1“ l-llL‘rl‘l cum ant: rl l5. ‘ ~uul‘. has llclu .l L UKl Unlth Church \ll'l‘ ill. C‘lCSL: ‘ "‘ulllcr Ar hue dress r . Hume; *,_«>;‘ o a ‘5th orchid hill ï¬nd» new at .i lli‘ll'. l'lO ll tlrt lllt.‘ ulch llUllllï¬k: in l»; ‘MJL‘l tut ‘ :l rm rll .» uplc m.» cmlplc' .l. .r rl.: grorlm's mm, lJilOn. .. rung . rlr'cJ TIlUE’ Ell;.an\l, I rnalutd )F:>l’0l’1.l&llllfl'8. :ccn Jflir their recent wedding hclc at trlc Mlllgrovc United Ch :'- are "r. a..d Mrs. Clifford M’, and Mrs. John 9(- \.1‘. and Mrs. Joe I and daughtcr, Tor- and \lrs, Gor- l and ram . H‘s. litu- (swell and boys and Mt. Wm. [New]! or Wlarton were Sunda v ltors Wrth Mr. George M: i .1. Gilbert, «er Mr. and Mrs. He:tor Coâ€" venvzy and family and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Urhshott and ram ly spent the week end ulth Mr. and Mrs. Ray Whewall and Keith at [llEiI cottage near Chatsworth. t rdles or 1er (lunch 1 '(llv Mrs. Jack Utbshott) I A large crowd utrended the. shower for t‘lil’lord and Sharon Gilbert Saturday evening at the Purple Valley Orange Hall. Culu‘u'e Cook and Debbie Gil- hert took part rn the baton re- cital held at the Wharton Dist» ricl High School Auditorium by the Niarmn "Starlettes" Satur- der even lug. Mrs Don l‘rurler and Joy attend- ed the Creigrlrlcwhiuney wedd- ing dl Palmerston Saturday. Mrs Thetiu Howe and Carol oi Hespeler :pellt the weekend urtlr Mr and Mrs Percy Howe. Sunday rlsjlurs with them were Mr and Mrs Curman Candle and :alnily of Lluu's Head. Weekend visitors with Mr and Mrs L'Llfl'ard Gilbert Jr were Mr and .\lrs Arthur Haley and minus ofMlllgrove. Mr and Mrs ken MtArlIlur. Mr and hlts lorne Fleet and ï¬ll: Dymmld 0)» Rock Chapel, Miss Kathy Stew- art and Miss Sue Forth and George Stone or r\rlt:a:[el. Miss Manna Gaddye m‘ Freelton and Miss Ruth Bugle of Hamilton. ‘ Mrs Hector Covelicy is SPClld’ ing a few days with Mr and Mrs Stewart lxlcElrea and family at l Chalswol’Lh. Mr and Mrs Morgan Howe and family of Freelton and Mrs Allan Howe of Colpoy's Bay and Ted Howe of \Iiagara Falls were Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs Jack Urbshott. Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs George trict‘artney were hit and Mrs Fred Grimwood and Mrs Joe Fee of \Vllliamsford. Miss loy Ptuder of Toronto ' spent the weekend with Mr and r hits Don Prudcr. Mr and Mrs Bob Bolton and Leslie of Don Mills visited dur< ing the weekend with Mr and Mrs Fllffnrd tiilherr Sr, Mr and Mrs Hank Smeltzer and Doug of St. Thomas are holidaying at their cottage here. Mr and Mrs Everett Crawford of Hamilton, Mrs llatry Boyle ofDurldalk and Mrs Ed Fraser of Wlartnn were Saturday visitor mm Mrs Eva Gilhert. ,n n n PURPLE MALLE! Quite a number from ‘here enjoyed a social ov- enlng at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jlm Howe, Hep~ unrth area, Saturdayeven- Ilng. ' Mr. and Mrs. Percy Howe and George visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Therin Howe at Hesplen M‘. and Mrs. Doug Tot-‘ ten of Toronto were re- cent visitors with Mr. and, Mrs, Hector Coveney. r Mrs. Fred Johâ€" nson, and» Ethel, Berford ‘ unuuaurnunnn-nâ€"n... n PURPLE VALLEY (By Mrs. Jack Uxbshott) Women's Institute Meet Apprmdmately twenty-ï¬ve women's Institute members, 4-H Club girls and visitors en» joyed a delicious Strawberry Festival recently at the NJ. hall following the business por‘ tion of the regular July meeting. An invitation was received from the Adamsville W.l. anlF ing us In their October meeting when Mrs. Norman Reid will be their special guest. A card of thanks was read from Mr. and . Mrs. Clifford Gilbert Ir. lt ’ , was'aunounced that the opening of the County Home at Wiarmu will be on July 231d. Plans were completed for the dance to he held on August 2nd at the Purple Valley Orange Hall. Admisn'on price will be one dollar and coffee and dough- nuts will be available, and good music will be supplied. r The possibility or buying 4-H homeulaldng pins for the 4-H Club girls was discussed. Mrs. George McCartney will find out further particulars about them. The Pulplfl Valley w.l. were in charge of the booth at the township picnic and reported a successful day. Due to the opening ceremonies at the Gateway Haven on July 28rd, the date to he harms at I {the Log Cabin at Southampton has been changed to August 5th. The History of Purple Valley and Mclvor Communities has been compiled by Lorna Hambly. Mrs. lack Urhshott will inquire as to the possibilities of gem‘ng this printed in book form so copies could be available to anyone interested in having one. Many hours of research have . gone into compiling this book in honour of our Centennial next year, 1970. Mrs. James Urbsllott read a nun-lemons reading on our most nearly perract food, Milk. loan Uthshott demonstrated making Pinwheel sandwiches. This is just one of the things the 4-H Club girls were taught at the Spring Project, “The Third Mal". Remnant: were on display and the Home and Country distribut- ed. One membership fee was “paid. Mrs. Wm. Crawford read the Scripture from the am Chapter of Romans. The president, Mrs. James Urbshott. was in charge of the meeting. Mr and Mr: Phil Hill: of Hamilton are visiting Mr and Mrs Alvin Rydall. Illa McLean family ï¬r] a fa- mily picnic at Berlpxd Lake ou‘ Eakar‘wei’e Sunday visitora‘ with ’ and P? 5;. Mrs. Eon , .§___Iy, u spent last we: mt x and Mrs James Urhshutr and family. Mr and Mrs Charlie Shropthli: and family of Schcmberg visited last week with Mr and Mrs Lloyd Burt and buys. Leslie Bolton and Laura Wil- liams of Don Mills are holiday- ing with Mr and Mr: Clifford Gilbert. Visitors during the weekend with Mr and Mrs Hector Coveuey and family was Mr and Mr: Bill Robson and family of Proton Station, Mr and Mrs Manuel Bittorf of willowdale, Mr and Mrs, Bill suarton of Lion's Head, Jim Kay and Bill McElIea. Emmy and Phyllis McCartney returned home on the weekend from a two week vacation at Scratford. Miss Jackie skene of Colpoy's Bay visited a few days with Norma Urbshott. Recent visitors with Mr and Mrs Clifford Gilbert It were Mr and Mrs Arthur Haley and Di- anne of Millgtove and Irvin French and family of Hamilton. Mlss Carol Barium of Big Day spent the weekend with Mls Kaye Coveney. Mr and Mr: Clarence Honey of Stratiord spent the weekend at their cottage here. Mr and Mrs Manuel smart of Willowdale spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs lack Urbshott. Tummy Jones of Toronto is spending some time with Gil- hem at the store. Miss lay Pruder of Toronto spent the weekend with her parents, Mr and Mr: Don Finder. Miss Robin Gilbetda of Col- poy's Bay is visiting with Mr and Mrs Wm. Cook and family. Clayton Urhshott visited his grandparents. Mr and Mrs Allan flow. during the weekend. and Mrs Elda Hepburn accompanied them to the twelfth of July cele- bration: at Collingwaod on Saturday. Sunday morning the congrega- ‘Iion at the United Church here ‘ enjoyed the special speaker, Mr Mervyn Skey. the student minister at Tohermoty. Next Sunday morning the young people here will be in change l Mrs Louie Utbshon of Wiartnn is’ spending some time with her son Art. , Vi. ..n,n= - , Mrs Iohn Miller and girls visited with Mrs James McLean on Monday. Andy Burt spent his two week vacation at his home here. Bunnie, Dan and Larry Candle oi Lion's Head are spending this week with Mr and Mia Percy Lliuwa. Mr and Mrs Cari-nan Ciudle and family were Sunday . visitors with them. Min oom’lraylor Jr Welland of the service.