ZQfiEEETP ISLAND 'flfllfiflflifilrflRECTUR! Our thanks to Don Tubb, traditional publisher of the Island phone list, for giving this project to the EFR Team to use as a fund- raiser. As anyone who read the Beacon knows, we have changed the format fron1 a sheet to a book, and are selling advertising in the book to offset printing costs. Advertising deadlines have been extended from April 28 to May 12. If your business has not been contacted by the EFRT Fundraisers, or if you have forgotten to send in your ad, please contact Annette at the store. Phone books should be back from the printer and available for purchase by June 1. **'k***************1€***************** CORN ROAST AND DANCE SATURDAY, AUGUST SI 1995 AMHERST ISLAND COMMUNITY HALL 22 COUPLE Tickets available at, Glenn's Store and fronlEFRI'Fundraisers after July 1. Advance tickets only. Fresh Local Corn Roast Beef and Ham Baked Potatoes Salad Dessert *tidnl'1H:*****************t***t******* W The average adult's heart beats about 70 times a nunute and it never rests. Each hour the heart pumps about 4,200 times. That means each day the heart beats 100,800 timeS, totaling 36.792,000 beats every year If you live to be 75 years old, your heart will beat 2.759,4000,000 times - almost 3 billion beats! **************xxx**x**x**xtxxt*xxx** WATCH FOR IT ! Within the next couple of weeks, the EFRT Fundraisers will be putting up a THERMOMETER in the village to chart our progress toward the defibrillator. Our thanks to Dave Youell for being volunteered to build it for us. *tflflflid'*************************** W HEART ATI'MX -(Reprinted from "Heart Health Information," a publication of the Heart and Stroke Foundation) Heart attacks dramatic events that nay happen suddenly. Sometines such events. occur without warning, yet in many other cases, people deny the warning signs such as: *heaviness, pressure in the chest *shortness of breath *nausea and vomiting *sweating and cool, clammy skin *severe, crushing chest pain *radiating pain (eg. neck, arms, back, jaw) *fear, anxiety,DENIAL These signals may come and go. If you experience any of the above, or notice them in others, tell soneone or call for help IMMEDIATELY! fififififiiddcidr'k'kici:**************'X*** THE EFRT FUNDRAISING GROUP ANNETTE PHILLIPS SUE MDGINN LAURIE YOUELL "k1H:1')?***'k***********'k'k*********'k*'k**