A"! HIE/cm" tSLmJ'o firmer"! [Vi-AV 2960 flSflfl/Vfb Ga; g % erase/aw Memories of Amherst Island V. Garth Orchard [Issue 57-- October 15, I982] Time seemed to slip by until my two year contract was completed. In the Spring of I93] I received word that ll'l_Dad had developed rheumatic fever, and would be laid up for many months, unable to work. While I hated to leave the Island and the healthy farm work that had done wonders for my physique, it seemed obvious that my help was needed more with the family in Toronto. In spite of thc dot-4i, employment situation at that time, I was lucky enough to get ajob as ajunior salesman in a men's clothing firm. For the balance of that year the whole family lived on my wage of $12 a week. Dad was advised to get to a drier climate, and accepted an offer of work in Winnipeg, so the rest of the ' family moved West. Keith left the Island shortly after and joined me in Toronto, taking over my when I was promoted to another position. On combined earnings of $27 a week, we rented and furnished a two room flat, and lived like kings by careful shopping and developing our culinary skills. I shall never forget that look on I m' landlady's face though as she summoned us to her rooms on our return from work one evening, to see a steady drip from the ceiling into her dishpan on her bed! We had forgotten to empty the waterman under ; our ice--box frig, and it had overflowed all day! All in all ' though, We enjoyed our year of 'batching it' in Toronto. Early in the Winter of I933 l fl received a distressing phone call \ from Becky Hill telling me that Willie was dying of advanced kidney failure, and had asked il' I would consider coming back to run the farm for them. With on!) a few days to make a decision, I gave notice at work, and prepared to return to the Island, As an example ofthe desperate