m :_ L T.eacon AII'S Senior class Trill Above: At The Laura Secord Monument. From left to right: Andrew LeBlue, Eva Kidd, Anna Kidd, Brooke Reid, Daniel Little, Fae MacArthur, Kaitlyn Aitkenhead, Ben Whitton, Codey Maymari, Katie Little, Melinda Laing Below: Jim Whitton with hat decorations at butterfly conservatory. 10 June 22'", 23'", and 24'", the Senior Class at A.I.P.S. took their end--ofryear trip to the Niagara Falls area. Eight adults took eleven kids on one school bus, with one backup van. We stayed at Brock University residences, and visited Queenston Heights (Brock Monument, Laura Secord Memorial), the Welland Canal Lock #7 (saw a huge freighter go down the lock, and a lift bridge in operation) the first day. Day 2 was Niagara Falls itself, including the Awesome natural falls, the Butterfly Conservatory, the Maid of the Mist, the Walk Behind the Falls, and Clifton Hill, as well as a tremendous dinner out. Before coming home, we went to Niagara on the Lake, and saw Fort George, where the interpretive staff were great, and a little bit of cutesy main street shopping before starting for home. Every-- where on the Niagara Peninsula was green and beautiful, with wonderful gardens and parks. The students who went were: Katie Little and Melinda Laing (gr. 8), Brooke Reid, Andrew LeBlue, Kaitlin Aitenhead and Ben Whitton (gr. 6) and Cody Mayman and Faye MacArthur (gr. 4). No, I didn't forget grade 7, we just don't have any this year. Adult chaperones were: Mr. Scott Weaver, teacher, Janet Scott, teacher and bus driver, and parents Jim Whitton, Alan Kidd, Caroline Yull, Brian Little, Sandra Reid, and Shannon McFadden. All the arrangements worked very well, even including the weather! (I wish I knew how to do that.) Many thanks are due to the people who worked so hard to set this up: Scott Weaver, Janet Scott, and Lyn Fleming. We had an AWESOME trip -- lots of fun, and lots of learning (who knew Mrs. Scott could get that kind of speed out ofa school bus to catch the ferry hornel?!