(a ALL FORA GOOD CAUSE "Grandmothers to Grandmothers" Campaign (since Fall, 2006 issue) O6, the FWIO Provincial Board agreed that Branches would ngsgrtésttvfé) specific projects through the Stephen Lewis Foundation. At the January Annual FWIO Meeting, I learned that Penage WI in Whitefish had already raised over $3500er South Africa, and that the Navan WI had already raised over $800. Well done, ladies! What a challenge for the rest of Ontario to achieve similar results! Any money for South Africa support should have been sent to FWIO before March i, 2007. is Foundation has changed its policy somewhat since lcfigtriigkdeenitlsegecision last August. People are. being discouraged from Supporting a specific project and are being asked Instead toldentify areasgf the mandate (orphans, women, grandmothers or AIDS carriers) and SpeCl 'c African countries. Therefore, FWIO lS now supporting Grandmothers in Rwanda (March 1, 2007-March 1, 2008). if you wish to feature this project at a meeting, the international Officer has two DVDs that she can provide - for the cost of return postage _' a 15 minute "Introduction to the Stephen Lewrs Foundation or the 28 minute "Grandmothers: The Unsung Heroes of Africa. See page 2 for information on how to contact Mary Janes, the FWIO international Officer. H01 NEWS The FWIO Provincial Office 3 is proud to report that a cheque for $8526.88 will be sent to the Stephen Lewis Foundation -- this is the amount that WI Members across the province raised for this important project. Thank you and congratulations on all your hard work!