5 WOIVIENS INSTITUTE 4 Joyce Reid The regular monthly meeting ofthe Amherst Island W. I. was held at the home ofJoyce Reid, with l4 members in attendance and Jackie Sylvester presiding. It was opened with the repeating OfThe Ode, The Collect and the singing OfO Canada. New member Anne Henderson was welcomed. Thanks were offered to all who helped with: l) The Museum Fundraiser Abram's Concert, Oct. 29; . 2) The filling of26 Shoe Boxes for Children's Christmas in another country; and, 3) The Christmas Lights at the Ferry Dock. LESLIE GA VLAS AND JOYCE HAINES WORK ON THEIR CHRISMAS BA GS. The cutting down and replanting oftrecs on the Island was discussed. Twenty»six members ofAmherst Island W. I. and the community attended the Nov. 6 Council Meeting ofLoyalist Township. We strongly support Murray Beckel, Township Plan- ner, in his report and recommendation that Council develop a Tree Planting, Tree Retention and Landscaping Policy for Am- herst Island. A lengthy letter was read from Ed Adams, Technical Supervi- sor, Loyalist Twp. Recycling was discussed further. We still need sheltered storage for corrugated cardboard and a better sys- tem for the collection ofcans, bottles and plastic. The new 2007 Amherst Island Women's Institute Calendar, consisting 0t' historical Island photographs, is now available from Jackie Sylvester, The General Store and The Tea Room. It will also be for sale at the Seniors' Christmas Party, Dec. 3. The fomial part ofthe meeting was adjourned, closing with the Grace and the singing ofGod Save the Queen. The members then moved to the "crafl table" organized by the Joyces - Plaines and Reid. Recyclable fabric gift bags had been made by the team ready to be decorated by the members, using an assortment ofglittery and otherwise, Christmas trimmings. Delicious refreshments were served by Diane Hieatt. Next meeting is at St. Paul's church, Dec. 6, at 6 pm, pot luck and Annual Christmas gift exchange. MARION GLENN, JACKIE S YL VESTER, Il/IAR I' K/t Y STEEL, AND DIANE HIEA TT. PHOTOS BY JOYCE REID