.. Volume 2, Issue 2 Amherst Island "Ferry Service Township officials meet with Minister Cansfield Members of Council continue to represent the interests of ferry users with Provincial officials, On July 26, 2007, representatives from Loyalist Township, including Reeve Mc Ewen and Councillor Ash-- ley, met with Minister Cansr field to review the Operation of the Amherst Island Ferry service. Issues discussed included the following: o 100% funding of ferry Op- erations; o Recent Provincial audit; Minister's review of all Provincial MTO supported ferry operations; 0 Requested MTO involve- ment with capital improve- ments to the ferry docks; o What consideration is be- ing given to uploading of erry operations? Inside this issue: Meeting With Minister Minister Responds L Fuel Expenditures 2 Fuel consumption 2 Ferry Revenue / Ex, 2 penxes Capitol Spending 2 1 . M TO audit 2 L Senior Captain Retires 2 Mlnislhm Gas Tmnupoiu Mlmsiry a! Tmnxvcfialtnn Oiilce oi mo Minister Bureau cu minisira Euiiim Ferguson, 3° £39: 77. Mu'flollesiu-y coast Torcn'n [Ontario] \47A 128 91132274200 :e'guwn Elm, :JlU Poor 77 wmaioy St West Tommci Como 'A7A '23 .415) 3275200 AUG 1 U 2007 Mr. ClaytonMcEwen Reeve The Corporation of Loyalist Township PO Box 70 263 Main Street Odessa. Ontario KOH 2H0 Dear Reeve McEwen' i am writing to follow UP 0" 0'" m?9ll"9 0f JUIY 25. 2007 regarding the Amherst istsnc Carry and the audit and review heing undertaken by the province As we discussed. the ministry nas Undertaken an. audit of the Amherst island FBFP,' ocerations. As soon as the audit is complBEed we Will share the report min Lcysiist Townsnip "'he ministry is completing audits for all municipally operated iemes receivmg provmc:ai 'Urxdtr'g in Eastern Ontario as part of a larger rei/iew of ferry sen/ices in the region. This review is being undertaken to ensure an equitable system of ferry services and their delivery in Eastern Ontario. in order to complete the review, thorough analysis of the Cperamna} information obtained through the audits, as well as existing policy. practices and legislation, must be completed, Ljr'izil at :he analysis is cone and the review completed. no deOSions have. or will, 39 Made regarding changes to BXiSilflg ooeialing agreements opioading of services 3r funding for geogiai improvemenis. l think it would be premature to initiate :hese CISCUSSICPS for the Amhers: island Fem/V or any ctherieny, anead of the revuew Thank you again for meeting the l know that by Working IOgether, we can find a solution, Please feel free to call me at any time if you have any questions or Concerns with the process of the reView. Sincereiy. We; fl "/ Donna Cansfieid Minister