More W '4' members oi the 4,,, "' areaotthe Federated Women's Insti- tastes, of WHO were chal- lowed to greater goals bythe Provincial President. Mrs. Herb MW of Chesley at their 26th annual convention held in Leamingtm for two days at last week. With information being the highlight a! theiirstdayMrs. ' Maluske spoke of ideals for the members and'nrgedthem to utter more commendation than criticism although there was a time for both. Commendation could bring better results than criticism in the push for control oi'Te- levision presentation oivio- lence by writing a, letter of commendation: whenever there is a particularly worth; while pregram. Mrs. Mal- uske said there is a time to \ condemn and again she urged the members to write to the producers themselves. "You can do more about it than we sang? she said inre- ierence to the letters that come to the officials 01 W.I. She reported there isacon- .4siderable increase , in the number oiwomen involved in crime and told the members they must Work to get action against violence inthe media. "Anything you feel isvio- lent, make anote oiwhere you saw orreadit, onWhatstation at what time, or take the clip- ping from the newspaper and send it to'the Royal Commis- sion on violence in the com- mmications industry," Mrs. Maluske advised. - Although W.I. is not a money making organization their report showed $5, 548 was raised toward the prevention 01 blindness and $11, 525 through their "pennies for friendship" fund that assists 4 those in other lands. She also reported the offi- cers conference to be held in May or next year would be' opened by the lieutenant- go- vernor 0! Ontario, Pauline McGibbon. Director at Home Econo- mies, Miss Helen McKercher oi Tormto spoke to the morn ing session atwhich Mayor of . Leatnmgton, Sterling Welch brought a welcome. Miss McKercher said the objectives 0!. "M. to discover stimulate, and develop lead- ership, were as modern today as they were when W,l. was Wed '75 years ago. its common interest of all women in the Associated Wo- men or the World is for edu- ACHIEVERS -- Members of the Essex South Achievement Award based on completeness of report convention. Mrs. Gerald Fitzpatrick of Kingsville, W. I, accepted the plaque from area president, a tie with Essex South but lost out on conven Canada and are closely asso- ciated with the Ministry of Agriculture and Foodthrough its home economics branch. The North Thamesville branch presented a skit, "The Common Heart,"based on the Mary Stewart Collect. l-Ielen Fisher, extension horticulturist of the Re-- search Station in Harrow spoke at the eveningbanquet. Thursday was business day with the financial and gover- nor's'reports, acceptance of resolution, discussion and presentation of the achieve- ment trophywhichwas wonby the South Essex branches. W. i done to avoid problems in i- dentifying and locating mem- bers. Especmly on rural ad- 4 dresses and in telephone dir- cation Hid pelce" sheamm wtories When mlygwommvs making in the effectiveness [ own name is 1mm. 0'1 W. I. in raising the stan- 4 In I Quilt competition a. nerdsorcommmutyme she' members of the Maid-tone challened the women to use ' Women's Institute took first all their resources to be him mun parents, citi- seine, and leaders in their céfammmity. tional convention in Prince Bombings tame. The Two resolutions were pre- sented, both from lMalden W.l. Although one was turn- ed down the branchwas com- mended by Mrs. Maluske for their concern in resenting them. One resolution called for the packaging of meat on a clear lastic' tray so the consumer could see the amount of bone when she was buying. That consumers are causing higher prices by demanding more expensive packaging was the basis of the op-- position to this resolution which was voted down attera thought-provoking discus- prize. Mrs. Edgar sum a 3m; den. district manuam' 'mwatwmu. 7"", Av -- r Women' 5 Institute branches won the, s and attendance at meetings and the president of the Essex South District Mrs. Edgar Ellenor. Lambton Centre was in tion attendance. sion. One decisive comment was, '4 "We have butcher shops where we can see out we are buying it that's what we W" "1 The resolution asking tor speed reduction of Ontario highways to a 55 mph maxi- mum will go tothe provincial government. I: wubuedon the need to out the deathrate caused by traffic accidefis and to eitectasavingotgaao- line. Branch members should make better use oi the c0133 ses uttered by the ministrat- through its borne economies branch, hire. as she condemom! S which she says 4 _ selves astaxpayei'r 5: And I nonuniform " inthemetrjic "'j'j4 ,"' mwmm 4, ,. unnecessary swig the federal mm {5' com-wen tor the southwes- commie: latte Mathis tern ail-earn! he heidhKent , the W. county next year. The mid!!! hi4 tumours