THE WOMEN'S INSTITUTE A Limited--Edition band numbered plate wit/9 a corresponding band --mtmberecl Certificate of Authenticity. ,n 0/ n February 19. 1897, the first fonnal organization of a WOMEN'S INSTITUTE branch took place in Stoney Creek. Ontario. Canada. through the combined effort of Erland Lee and his wife. Janet, with the encouragement of Adelaide Hoodless. The Women's Institute was to be an educational organization for women with its focus on personal development and community action. Its roots were firmly based on food safety. nutrition, health and fitness. These concerns are as important today as they were 10(1) years ago. In honour of the 100th Anniversary of THE WOMEN'S INSTITUTE. the Federated Women's Institutes of Ontario are proud to present a Limited--Edition fine porcelain Collector plate. shown smaller than actual plate diameter of 23.5 cm (9 1/4") This plate, designed by Vera Knowles of Langton Branch. Norfolk South District. Hamilton Area, was the winning design of a competition organized by the London Area Women's Institute as part of the Centennial Celebrations. The map of Ontario on this plate appears in green to represent the ongoing commitment of the Women's Institute to the environment. The star identifies the birthplace of the organization at Stoney Creek. Ontario. The Trillium is the flower of the province in which the organization was founded. Plate produced by Schneider Enterprises, $9 Housers Lane. thxlstock. Ontario N45 7V9. Li'fic'f' 2&1!!th 100 YEARS . . . Please enter my order for THIS CENTENNIAL I'LA'I'E. Enclosed is my cheque made payable to THE CENTENNIAL C(i)MMITTIZE. Ere-orders (received PRIOR to October I3. 1995) $43.00 (incl. all taxes. shipping and handling) $50.00 (incl. all taxes. shipping and handling) Orders (received AFTER October 13. 1995) (Plates cll'UlltlblE' as o/i/mze I. 1994) Please detach and mail with order CHEQUES TO BE MAILED T0: The Centennial Committee FWIO, PO. Box 29058, 55 Wyndham Street. N.. Guelph, Ontario N1H 7T8 Note: A limited number of plates are being produced and we can guarantee availability only on a ['irst--c<)me--first--sewe basis. Name: .................................................................................................................................................................. Address: ........................................................................... P.(). Box, Rural Route: ................................................ To" n .............................................................................. Province: .................................................................. Postal Code: ........................................................................ Telephone ( ) ......................................................