Mallawtntttn Wallaoetown Women's Institute celebrated 100 years of WI. with a get--together at the South Dunwich Community Centre, Wallacetown, on Feb. 19, 1997. Tyrconnell and Cowal 131311011 BS joined in to make 50 in attendance The occasion featured a special meal and programme that . was used that day by Institutes across Ontario. Some members came dressed in period costume. The branch began with a membership of 30 in 1930, at one time had 60 and currently there are 18 members involved in community services Catherine McAlpine from Tyrconnell W.I. joins Wallacetown members Sally McIntryre, > Matthew and his mom Kathy Minnema and Kay Lilley iElgitr iEarrt Etatt'irt Elgin East District Women's Institute hosted a joint church service as a centennial project for the District branches, at a local church on July 6, 1997. Their guest speaker was Hilde Morden, who titled her message "Stewardship of Time and Talents". At the heart of the WI. is service and that word in the Christian sense means more titan just socializing: quoted Hilde, a member in Rodney, Ont Hilde has served at all levels of the organimtion of the FWIO, has encouraged members to be part of the environmental movement and has helped start several new branches in the province as New Branch Organizer. She accepted an award from the Recycling Council on behalf of the FWIO and served on the Advisory Committee of Ridgetown Agricultural College, among other things. Hilde has been awarded the Ontario Bicentennial Medal, the FWIO Centennial Award and the WI. Certificate of Merit in 1991. The worship service included the Ode, Mary Stewart Collect and the Centennial Song. Lunch and Anniversary cake was sewed after the service Hilde Morden - speaker extraordinaire v il'lurmt South, il'Iurnn Meat 8: 3111111111 East Bimini (flrlrhratinn All branches participated in a Special Historical Exhibit, in conjunction with the Goderich Quilt Show at the Huron County Museum, Goderich. Many needlework treasures, a special quilt display (one was 3 Signature quilt that was quilted by the Patriotic League in 1917) and is still in excellent condition. The League became a W.I. branch after the War. Various banners were also displayed which were especially created for the Anniversary convention in Hamilton, and other memorabilia. The Exhibit was there from Aug. 22 to Oct. 28, 1997. It proved to be an excellent display and was well-attended. 31-11mm fimtth Bintrirt (firehitort Crediton Women's Institute was hostess for the District celebration held in Crediton on March 31, 1997. It was described as "Oh, what a party" to honour the 100th Anniversary of the WI. Six branches participated. Dashwood W.I. has several jokes, 2 story of the Christmas Concert years ago and violin and piano renditions of good old polkas and waltzes. Also a skit "Mistaken Identity" was performed. A Grand Bend WI. member played a recorder and everyone had to "Guess the Tune". Kippen East had a reading "Ode to a Mannogam" and a contest on the life of Adelaide Hoodless. Seaforth WI. presented a skit "Applying for Citizenship". Elmsville W.I. lad a sing song ending with Auld Lang Syne and Happy Anniversary to Us. District President, Helen McKenzie yve the courtesies and closed the evening with all singing the Centennial song. Anniversary cake was served for lunch. A "Doing the honours" L-R Helen McKenzie, Sheryl McLeod, Grace Pyme (grant! £21m . Grand Bend Women's Institute celebrated the Centennial on Feb. 19, 1997. President, Donna Love convened the meeting. The suggested format was used Members filled in a questionnaire about the branch and other W.I. activities over the years. A Life Membership was presented to Loreen Gill by the President. A good display of arficles, booklets of short courses, etc, helped trace several years of Institute. Catherine Junker of Grand Bend branch has been a member for 62 years. She began in the branch when attending meetings with her mother when 18 years old. She became curator of the Tweedsmuirbooks in 1962 and a Life Member in 1973,