38mm: Bentpath Women's Institute held a 100'11 Anniversary party on February 19, 1997. Members past and present attended along with Thornyhurst branch who were invited to celebrate with us. This was held in the Bentpath Hall and began with a lunch at noon similar to that perhaps served 100 years ago, with a special cake for dessert, Some members came in centennial dress. The proposed program was followed A speaker for the afiemoon was Laurene Denkers, who told of operating a lighthouse, with her family, on an island in Maine, U.S.A. Ethel Turner, a member of nearly sixty years looked over the Tweedsmuir books with a new member Margarita Wilson Executive of the branch is: President - Nellie Graham Secretary - Alice Langstafi Members are Jean Robinson, Grace Dawson, Mary Kelly, Lambie Oost, Marion Langstafi', Bev. Sullivan, Vera Parsons, Evelyn Thomas and Mary Robinson Photo: Phyllis Babcock and Karen Bums illamhtun finuflt Eistrirt gRuflterfnrh Our branch celebrated using the planned program, on February 19, 1998, with Shetland and Edy's Mills Institutes It was a day of remembering that was truly unique We contributed to the collection for the Headquarters Fund We bought two copies of the History Book by Linda Ambrose, placed one copy in the local township office and one in our branch for our members We submitted one member's name in the Centennial Award Competition, although she was not successfirl, we are proud of her achievements. In October, at our regular meeting we watched the uncut video of the convention Celebration in Hamilton. Three of our members were there. In December, seven of our members attended the Lambtorr South District Centennial Christmas Party. The Executive of Rutherford Branch are: President - Eileen Parking Secretary-Treasurer - Hilda Pegg Vice President - Tina Toomstra PRO. Sandra DeVries fihetlzmh We joined with two other branches to celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the Women's Institute on February 19, 1997, in Shetland Hall. Our share of the collection was sent to the Headquarters Fund Our branch nominated two members in the Centennial Award competition, Luella Bilton and Marion Neville. We felt very honored that Marion Neville was chosen but we are also very proud of Luella Bilton, a member for over 50 years. We bought and presented the History book to the Shetland Library. Two members attended the celebrations in Hamilton in June. As we were unable to place our Christmas ornaments in the sale, some were sent to the district and some to our corresponding branch in Surrey, England. Shetland branch was organized in 1907. The branch officers for 1997 are: President - Marion Neville Vice President - Evelyn Playfoot Secretary - Betty Elliott . Branch Tweedsmuir Curators cut the cake. L--R Betty Elliott, Evelyn Playfoot, Marion Elliott.