fiesharaifi For our February 19, 1997 celebration we invited three branches from this area They were Gordon Lake (disbanded), Fortlock Royal (disbanded), and McLennan W,l_ Thirty women attended which was a good number considering it was the middle of our winter weather. One of our members Chris Simpson composed a poem for the event. The poem is included at the end of this report. Congratulations were received from Bud Wildman, local member of Provincial Parliament, local Township council and the Premier of Ontario, Michael Harris. The suggested program was followed. Our branch presented copies of the Home and country History Book to the Johnson-Tarbutt Public School, Bruce Mines Library and the Central Algoma Secondary School in Desbaiats. The W.I. sponsored a Scarecrow Competition for the township. The winning entries were mounted on a float and entered in a Community Night Parade. Their entry won first prize. In September, Desbaiats joined the District Celebration with a Tea and Fashion Show. During the month of December the members set up a display table of WI. items in a local church; other functions were there also. WELCOIWE - composed by Chris Simpson One hundred years ago today it all began When Adelaide Hoodless convinced some rural women That they should look beyond their hearth and home And so the Women 'sInstz'tute was born. These special rural ladies took a stand To learn, to teach, to lend a helping hand. In their home, their country and around the world And it wasn 't long before their voice was heard. Mary Stewart wrote the collect, Clara Lintell penned our grace Very soon our members represented every race. Lady Tweedsmuir suggested that our deeds should be recorded And now in each community, our history is hoarded. Lara Stephen drew our emblem in our colours gold and blue And our motto "For Home and Country" was her creation too. With confidence and pride, we can look back on all we've done The lives improved, the world enriched, some battles fought and won. One hundred and one women met that day in Stoney Creek Now we number in the millions and men listen when we speak. A new century lies before us with new obstacles to cross F or Home and Country let 's proceed and our eflbrts won 't be lost! Alumna Centre Etatritt Algoma Centre Dish-let celebrated the Women's Institute Centennial with a Tea held at the Sault Ste. Marie Museum The museum stafi were very co- operative and displayed many of the Institute keepsakes, and also decorated the room with artifacts from the 1897 era. The members thought this was one of the most interesting undertakings the District has done. Prince W.I. President, Jane Darlow presented a Life Membership to Donalda Walls at the February 19, 1997 celebration. District President Evelyn Hill poured tea for the Prince Institute at the Museum Decoration and display at the Museum