Kmart: lfliatrtrt Netti agreement All members of New Prospect W.I. attended a special meeting hosted by Oxdrifi Branch to celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the Women's Institute on February 19, 1997. The Pot Luck supper included many dishes similar to 100 years ago, but served in modern day crock pots and microwavable cookware. Branch and District History books were on display as well as items used at the turn of the century. Fifty-five past and current W.I. members and special guests made up the gathering. New Prospect branch set up a display in a downtown store to publicize a larger display at the Dryden Museum in June of this year to which the members contributed articles Member Angela Oberg designed and made a banner for her branch at the District Annual, which was displayed as a centennial project. In August the members built and entered a float in the Dryden Fall Fair Parade, a comical version of "Wash Day". Our last project was the presentation of a copy of "For Home and Country" to the Dryden Library. The branch has only six members. President, Dorothy Clifl'ord, Sec. Treas, Margaret Wilton and Joyce Coekle, Marilyn Murdick, Angel Oberg and Penny Warren Fall Fair Float won first prize. R-- Peggy Warren L - Joyce Cockle Easing {River iBiEttirt gfl'nreat Forest Women's Institute celebrated the 100th Anniversary of the WI. by holding a special supper and meeting on Febniary 19, 1997. We invited Atwood Branch to join in our festivities. We had displays of hand made quilts, embroidery work, crochet, mgs and hand knit sweaters. Some members dressed in Centennial dress. Rose Hanson, member, entertained us with old time tunes on the piano. We were pleased to have our eldest member present. Daisy Hanson, age 94 has been an active member for over 70 years. She passed away in February 1998. Homemade ice-cream and anniversary cake were served for dessert Also to celebrate the anniversary we entered a float in Rainy River Santa Claus Parade. The theme was "A Century of Fashion" and models wore coats and hats from through out the century on the float. Branch members - Standing L-R: Peggy Livingston, Irene Hanson, Carol Clifford, Dorothy Wiersema, Thea Sinninghe, Rickie Brumwell, Gisela Mykyter Sitting L-R - Rose Hanson, Daisy Hanson, Vvivian Hannell P C'flflrfilrfiim Mclrvine Women's Institute, Fort Frances, Ontario felt honored to be a part of the 100"! Centennial of Institutes in Ontario. We thought of various ways to celebrate but decided on a tea, with the community invited to join in. The planned program was used Some members came dressed in the 1897 era. A representative from the local M.P.P. oflice presented the District of Rainy River with a congratulatory plaque, which will hang in the WI. Museum in Emo, Ontario. Many members from disbanded branches reminisced about accomplishments in WI. and happy times in their branches. The Tweedsrnuir History books were displayed The suggested menu was served for lunch with Anniversary Cake. Our branch planted a Royalty Flowering Crab tree at the museum, as a project. ' President Elsie Ball being presented with a plague. éflfiurann Morson Women's Institute celebrated twice in 1997. The first was at the February meeting where the minutes of our first meeting April 25, 1952 were read and the earliest minutes of the Lake of Woods branch, who were our guests that day, Nov, 1952. The Tweedsmuir Co--ordinator displayed the WI. History book, minute books, old needle crafi magazines and newspapers. The display was enjoyed by all, Gifts were given to the three remaining founding members: Frances Treflin, Lorraine Almers and Hazel Brusveu At the second event held on May 18, 1997 the community was invited to a Tea in the Morson Hall.