@hunher may Eintrtrt Three branches in the District joined together in one celebration, those being Rosslyn, Slate River and Stanley. This was held in the evening of February 19, 1997 in the Rosslyn Community Center. Welcome was given by councilor Mary Germain of the Municipality of Paipoonge. Following the usual opening exercises of the Institute, lunch was served using the suggested menu from F.W.I.O. The Candle Lighting ceremony was performed by the 3 branch secreataries: Rosslyn - Maureen St. Louis; Slate River - Rebecca Johnson and Stanley - Shirley Robillard Roll Call was to relate a humourous incident you have had at a W.I. function. The evening followed the suggested programme. Special guests were Leila Petn'grew, President, Thunder Bay District and F.W.I.O Board Director, Edith Lazamk. Rosslyn Branch has 22 members and Sandy Viben is president; Slate River Branch has 25 members and Jeanne Davies is president; Stanley Branch has 15 members and Anita Glavish is president. The President of the District Edith Lazaruk, presented a specially cultivated rose to the Thunder Bay conservatory supervisor, Willis Mamas, for display and to commemorate the W.I. 100':h Anniversary. The Women's Institute logo was designed with flowers in a flower bed at Hillcrest Park and received signage during the celebration. Hillcrest Park overlooks Lake Superior, (19' alnnnnr To celebrate the founding of the Women's Institute 100 years ago, O'Connor co--hosted a luncheon in the Municipal Building, with the Kakabeka Falls Branch on February 19, 1997. Non perishable items were donated to aid in the work at the Shelter House, Thunder Bay. Leila Pettigrew, District President and Edith Lazamk, Provincial Board member were honored guests. The branch was granted space on a wall in the Municipal Building to hang the plaque permanently. Branch members >