BRANCH PROGRAM FOR IOOTH ANNIVERSARY OF THE WOMEN'S INSTITUTE February 19th, 199 7 ACEWA msTEss: Branch Executive OPENING COE, MARY STEWART (ILLECT _ WWO: Celebrate the Past, Chal lenge the Future ROLL CALL: What have I accomplished with a Women's Institute - Li'feskill? CENTENNIAL SONG: TO be sung by all matters (see back) MINUTES: Branch Secretary to read minutes of first meeting of Wann's Institute held in Stoney Creek on Feb. 19, 1897 (see back) PROGRAM: (To be read by Branch President): " As we begin our progran we will ligit a candle in Celebration of 100 years of Wanen's Institute, sharing this ceremony with all marbers throughout Ontario." Take note: The executive may design the program using the accompanying information and resource mterial. The man should celebrate our past and create enthusi'asn for the future, including activit'ies'of your own branch. (See back for program information.) DO YOU KNON? (0n separate pages) SPECIAL WLLECT lad: For the Headquarters' Fund Beef,chicken cucutber & water'a'ess, and egg sandwiches Buttermilk tea biscuits with strawberry jun Sugar cookies Johnny cake with Inaple syrup Gingerbread with whipped crean