QIarlrtnn East fienmnre Our branch celebrated two special centennial events. On February 19th we joined Metcalfe W.I., our neighbour branch. They showed slides of Metcalfe around the turn of the century as well as Osgoode Township which is also our township. We enjoyed it tremendously because we know what the village looks like today. We held our own celebration on February 20"], following the suggested program. We all enjoyed participating in the skit. We talked about what W.I. means to us and what the future will hold. A special luncheon was enjoyed. fletralfe The Metcalfe Women's Institute celebrated the 100th Anniversary on February 19th at the Township of Osgoode, Town Hall. Bessie Quinn, President, welcomed all, including the Mayor, four councillors and Bernice Noblitt, from Ottawa. Bernice is a past president of both F WIO and FWIC. Some members wore turn of the century costumes. The History of the W.I. was presented by various members. A slide show of Historical Metcalfe was presented by Jim Rowan. Presentation of History books were made to the Metcalfe Public Library and Osgoode Township Historical Society. Our Centennial Project was publishing a small book called "A Historical Tour of Turn of the Century Metcalfe".Most of the work on this project was done by our keen Tweedsmuir Historian, Jane Cooper. We have had many people tell us the book has given them a really good idea of what a vibrant busy town Metcalfe was at the turn of the century. } ®5gnnhe Our branch met at the local library on Feb. 19, 1997, to celebrate the W.I's 100th Anniversary. The local press attended and took a photo of our presentation of the Home and country History Book to the library. We lunched using our W.I. dishes which we also presented to the library. It was a great day of celebration! Osgoode organized in 1932 has six members. Members: Back row - Noreen Empty, Laura Porteous, Agnnes Grimsdale, Brenda Porteous, librarian. Front Row -- Marion Hawkins, Isabel Cleland, Kay Bowes. V (flarltnn meat fiflartnfirh The "Great Day" dawned with fairly pleasant weather followed by afternoon rain for our Centennial Celebration. We met at Highfield Place. Our banner hung on the wall, tables were decorated with memorabilia including the Silver Cup won by the W.I. float in Manotick's Centennial Parade in 1959, flanked by pictures of the Centennial Plate and Rose. Muriel Hodges greeted guests, some dressed in centennial costume. President, Mary Turner welcomed guests. She gave a brief history of the beginning of the Institute and led the meeting. The suggested program guidelines were followed. A donation of two W.I. books were presented by Bernice Noblitt to the Manotick Library, which the W1. had begun. Lunch 1897 style was served; the gingerbread and whipped cream dessert were especially enjoyed Our member, Clara Davidson is one of the 100 Centennial Award recipients. Enhnatnn-fiflag, Zflnrrte finihrrlarth, White flake At the Galetta Community Centre on Feb. 19, 1997, the branches of Johnston-May, Lorne Sutherland and White Lake and friends paid tribute to W.I. in Ontario. Chairperson Alma Majaury called the meeting to order. Greetings were read from Marg Harris, F.W.I.O. President and Mike Harris, Premier of Ontario. The motto was "Celebrate the Past, Challenge the Future". Roll Call was answered by Branch Presidents. They spoke of the accomplishments of their branches. They told of rural women meeting and working together to enhance their lives by working for "Home and County". They gained new skills by taking courses and teaching one another. The first minutes of each branch were read. A candle lighting ceremony followed. An interesting program of songs, skits and poems followed. The speaker Dr. Levine spoke of Old Remedies. The evening concluded with the cutting of the anniversary cake followed by partaking in the same menu as the first W.I. meeting.