Barman Eistrtrt Winchester - Feb. 19, 1997, local members joined their fellow members across the province to celebrate 100 years of Women's Institute in Ontario. Branches followed the same agenda . Winchester W.I. believes the Centennial celebration is the most exciting event the local branch has been involved in This group currently boasts about 45 members. Morewood W.I. members say the most important aspects of the Institute are the fellowship and short courses. Morewood WI. has 12 members. Chesterville Branch is one of the longest running branches being founded in 1902.. Other active branches are Iroquois, Matilda, Morrisburg and Riverside Heights. Left, Olive Summers and Vivian Fawcett, right in centennial dress. F (flheaterhille On Feb. 19, 1997, Chesterville Women's Institute celebrated its 95th Anniversary, and the 100th year of the founding of WI. We invited all the branches of the Dundas District to a noon luncheon, much like what would have been served 100 years ago. There was a short program which included a humorous skits, readings and music. The aftemoon concluded with the serving of tea and a beautiful anniversary cake. Riverside Heights branch distributed tiny decorated gift boxes with a poem "A Gift Of Love" to each person present. We gave each lady an Anniversary pen, and provided special napkins and laminated placemats commemorating the occasion Eighty--three people signed the guest book. Doris Errott, Riverside Heights W.I., presenting "A Gift of Love: to Marg Casselman, life-member of Chesterville Branch. Y Floral Garden in Richmond CflHafiIha QRiberaihe honouring 100 years of Women's Institute The Matilda Women's Institute began our celebration in January 1997, when our branch was asked to serve tea and do a skit at the Matilda Winter Carnival' Tea and Fashion Show. We held up cards spelling out WOMENS INSTITUTE and what each letter stood for. We designed a leaflet advertising our branch with important information and an invitation to our meetings. A display was also set up. In February we attended a celebration at Chesterville Branch. Evelyn Coleman gave a history of the Matilda Women's Institute's 64 years. In May we traveled to 4 Richmond for the Eastern Area Centennial celebration. We were served a wonderful chicken barbeque. Some members from our branch were responsible for modeling fashions from different eras. In July we joined the village of Iroquois for their annual Summer Festival. Their theme was "Year of Celebrations". We made up 2 lovely gift baskets, all items donated by our members and sold tickets at our Bake Sale. We also decorated a float for the parade and dressed in our centennial gowns. We threw candy and balloons to the children and seniors.