williamahurg Ruth Alguires's entry in the Senator Cairine Wilson competition for Federated Women's Institutes of Canada Convention held in Hamilton, Ontario. 4 (hrmuillz Eistrirt C'flfiaitlanh We held a Centennial Tea on Feb. 19, following the WI. anniversary program. This was combined with a Valentine tea and we were joined by ladies from our community. In June we planted evergreen shrubs at the French Fort and Shipyard Cairn, New Oswegatcheie, in the village of Maitland. A site our W.I. unveiled along with the Historic Sites Board 65 years ago. Two Centennial rose bushes were ordered to plant at the site. A new flag was hoisted on our flag pole. In August ladies from the village attended a picnic and awards presentation evening. Three members received their framed Life Membership certificate and Badge. Two members received a Certificate of Merit, Clara Bass and Sharon Borger. Our speaker, Norma North, 3 Friend of the Fulford Museum Group, spoke to us on authentic updates and forthcoming events at the Museum. Everyone enjoyed our 100th anniversary cake. In November 3 community meeting was held where everyone in the area was invited to attend. Hilda Langstaff gave a brief history of the 100 years of WI. Our Branch entered the Spencerville Fair and did very well. We have photographs of all these events in our Tweedsmuir History. anehuck On Feb. 19, 1997 Roebuck Women's Institute joined with 1500 women across Ontario in celebrating the first meeting of WI. The suggested program and readings followed, ending with treats of the past era As our Centennial project we produced hasty notes with pictures of our community. Left to Right: Mildred Hall, Barbara Goggie, Pam Perrin, Debbie Findley, Gail Salmon, Lynn McCaw, Kay Kingston, Melba Francis, Edith Jenkins (missing Dora Shuster who took this picture) Warmth South :fialhereurt emit EEIarper February 19, 1997 was an evening of celebration for Harper WI. and Balderson W.I., along with guests, when they met in Bathurst Township Hall. After a bountiful meal we held the planned program. Greetings were received fi'om the townships. Each member was presented with special hand crafted blue and gold bells as mementoes of our 100th anniversary. A special poem was composed and read by Kay Devlin: Triumph over tragedy, we celebrate today, Grief turned into action, we humbly honour One woman 's courage. giving millions of women Skills to better their lives we acknowledge with gratitude Through one hundred years, a seed sown in sorrow Blossoms into glory encompassing the world. Adelaide Hoodless, founder of Women 's Institutes, 0n the 100"h Anniversary, we salute you! LEeiitel Bethel Women's Institute celebrated our 100th Anniversary with an open house on Feb. 19, 1997 in Maberly Township Hall in the afternoon. Minute books from 1927-1997, Tweedsmuir History books and scrapbooks were displayed along with articles from 4H and senior clubs. Lunch, similar to 100 years ago was enjoyed by all. In the evening we held our regular meeting with eight of our members attending. The candle was lit to start the suggested program which was based on the first meeting 100 years ago. Some of our achievements and ongoing projects are Cairn, Agricultural Society, repairs to hall, fire department, Interval House, Christmas baskets, etc. Each member read from the program. It was announced that Josephine VanAlstine was one of the winners of the 100 Centennial Awards. A few old hats: at the evening meeting F