Photo: Earline Armstong (right) and Joyce Glover (left), cut the Anniversary cake. } Nurthttmhrrlanh mm flintrirt A list of activities for Centennial year that our District participated in: - Feb. 19 Cold Springs W.I. hosted the celebration for the District with all branches taking part in the planned program. . June, set up a display in a downtown store and in local library . May, presented a copy of the "For Home and Country" history book to Cobourg Library. 0 June, members at Hamilton Convention, and two paraded with banner on Ontario Day 0 July, members in a parade with Waterfront Festival and Canada Day, with their banner 0 Sept, set up a display at West End Mall, Cobourg, all month Hi--Lite was a quilt that members made and tied, "Trip around the World" and raffled to raise money for their 4H Scholarship Fund 0 Sept, at their Fall rally the District enacted one of the plays written for the Convention Competition. V Photo: Members decorated a car and paraded in Waterfront Festival in July. anlh Springs Held a Pot Luck at Christmas, invited spouses and past members Earmnnh Hosted a Centennial Tea fingernail; Celebrated a special anniversary. :fialtimure Baltimore Women's Institute decided in centennial year to approach the Public School with a plan to participate students in some work of the Institute. Since the focus of the W.I. is Safe and Healthy Communities, we asked them to give their Views of how this could be improved in a community. One grade accepted the challenge and did their work so well that it was passed on to our Resolutions Convener. The branch gave the school cash for a book. As well, more cash was ofl'ered to buy books with Canadian content. Baltimore members also attended many celebrations, Hamilton, Cold Springs, Lang Pioneer Village and others. We hosted former members at a joint 100th and our 85 Anniversary with Roseneath branch. Four members were given Life Membership Certificates. One member was asked to give a paper on genealogy of Adelaide Hoodless and the Institute, to the local Genealogical Society. When a branch was disbanding we invited them to join our branch and we gained 3 new members. We hosted a Quilt Show for Northumberland West District in Baltimore Community Center.