gflflaitlnnh We held our Centennial celebration on Feb. 25, 1997. Mabel Jacklin gave the history of the Institute. The branch has a few new members so we tried to bring them up to date as to the workings of the organization . Priscilla Bray read some readings. Both members were dressed in 1875 and 1890 outfits. Homemade bread and johnny cake were served for lunch. Priscilla Bray and Mabel Jacklin } éflflapln fined Maple Leaf W.I. met February 19, 1997 to celebrate 100 years of the Institute following the same format of program as other branches were using that day. The meeting concluded with an old fashioned lunch which may have been the kind sewed in the late 1800's. In June the members wisited an Amish community who farm without electricity and were served a meal of their own cured meat, vegetables, biscuits, applesauce and shoe fly pie. We also visited an Amish furniture making business, using a gas powered engine to operate the old fashioned equipment which produced such fine work. gflflnnkmn We held our Centennial meeting with 6 members and 10 visitors present, in the 0p1imist Hall in Monkton Shirley Verstoep chaired the meeting which followed the planned programme, with all members taking part. We set up a display at the Stratford-Perth Museum, depicting W.I. activities. A Centennial History Book was purchased and presented to the Monkton Public Library. We also donated to the Elma-Logan Monkton Fire Department during our Centennial year to help their project to buy needed equipment afiewze To celebrate the 100th Anniversary 9 members and 5 visitors enjoyed a delicious dinner at the Maitland Terrace. Following the meal we continued tothe horse barn of David Carson for an old . fashioned sleigh ride. Everyone dressed warmly and had lots of blankets. At one point the driver turned 05 the trail and the sleigh slowly tipped over spilling everyone and the hay on the snow. The horses stopped and after righting thee sleigh we pulled back on to enjoy the rest of the ride. Driver Clarence Newbigging said that it was the first time he had dumped a bunch of Institute ladies, but there's a first time for everything! Returning to the Terrace, members held their meeting using the special programme. President Everdina Bender presided. Volla Purcell, a member received recognition for her involvement at branch, district and area level. To end our day we lunched on black Currant jam with tea biscuits, kisses cookies, johnny cake, maple syrup, tea and coffee. } Malina @nnhhrill This branch met at the home of Mrs. Henry Elms onFeb. 19, 1997 for an old fashioned dinner. We hadbiscuits and stew, relishes and homemade gingerbread with lemon or applesauce for dessert. The meeting began with lighting a blue candle and singing the Centennial Song. The suggested programme was used. The Roll Call was answered by the 13 members present. The motto was presented by Karen Hallrnan and Madeline Elms. Two members were centennial dresses. Some old articles were displayed, also an old wedding dress, gold watches, brooches and a christening gown. Branch member Helen McKnight attended the convention in Hamilton. 4 Mrs. Charles Ferguson displaying her christening dress.