Please detach and mail with order Qfie federated Women's Institutes of Ontario Cheques to be mailed to: The Centennial Committee F.W.I.O., Box 29038, Tresent 55 Wyndham St. N., _ Guelph, Ontario gamma! PRELUDE N1H 7T8 QUILT SHOW and BARBEQUE to be held on Wednesday, June 14, 1995 0 9:00 am. to 4:00 pm. at the Ontario Agricultural Museum, Milton, Ontario In honour of the 100th ANNIVERSARY OF THE WOMEN'S INSTITUTE Tickets: Pre-sale - (m to April 1, 1995) $18.00 (Incl. all taxes) Tickets - (After April 1, 1995) ' $20.00 (Incl. all taxes) DEADLINE FOR SALES - MAY 15, 1995 0 Tickets transferable but NOT refundable NAME: .................................................. BRANCH: ....................................... ADDRESS: ............................................... TEL. NO.: ....................................... Tickets include: Admission - Quilt Show - BBQ Lunch . Souvenir Mug 0 Morning Coffee Break - Entertainment - Museum Tours.