GREAT WALDINGFIELD WOMEN'S INSTITUTE (Founded June 1918) Registered Charity No. 1021143 PROGRAMME 1997 President: MARY JACKSON 7 Bowling Green, Great Waldingfield 01787 371068 Secretary: MOLLY BLACKWELL Little Blossoms, Garison Lane, Great Waldingfield 01787 371452 Treasurer: EDNA ALLEN 46 Heath Estate, Great Waldingfield 01787 313799 MEETINGS on First Wednesday each month at 7.30 p.m. (unless otherwise stated) in the Village Hall Subscription £13.00 per year Great Waldingfield Women's Institute c/o Mrs. Mary Jackson, President Great Waldingfield, Suffolk West, England Suffolk East Federation of Women's Institutes c/o Diana Hyam, Federation Chairman Ipswich, Suffolk, England (Sent: Kirkton Village tea towel & 1965 WI Jubilee tea towel)