OFFICERS President Mrs. SHEILA STEVENS 13 Bridge Road, Rudgwick ITeI. 822292) Vice-Presidents: Mrs. ANNE WHITE and Mrs. BETTY CLARK Secretary: Mrs. MARY KACHEL 25 Foxholes (Tel. 823768) Treasurer: Mrs. BARBARA DONNITHORNE 9 Cape Copse, Rudgwick ' / (Tel. 822021) W General Committee Mrs. ANNE WHITE, Mrs. BETI'Y CLARK Mrs. ANNE HAWKINS, Mrs. ANGELA FAHL Mrs. FRANCES MARSHALL EY ' held on the Monthly Meetings are THIRD WEDNESEAY of each mom t 2 15 p m. in the Rudgwick Hall, B-uck's (3:3; eice'pt inbecember when the meeting IS fl K--CARDS -- Tel. (01277) 651594 2nd wadnes'iay 29 GIanmIre, EiIIericay. Essex CM11 1DU