fl Stone Creek Photo Album Some pictures from theStoney Creek News. The pictures on this page are the last in our series from the Stoney :. t . - :'5 i ' On Aug. 26 and Sept. 2 we ran a series of pie- tures from our files cal-- led Stoney Creek Photo Album. These pictures, all of which appeared in the News in the 19505 and early 19605 didn't bring in the response we expected. Garnet A. Richmond wrote from Kitchener about his father's pic-- ture, which appeared in the Aug, 26 issue. "It gave me a thrill to see my father, Arthur Richmond, in two pho- tographs on this page," he wrote. His father was chairman of the Parks Board in Stoney Creek in 1953. Other people in the pictures were Walter Scott (secretary and treasurer), Joe Woodliffe, Fred Felker, Dr. Wilf Clark, Harold Lamb and Tom Latham. All of these, of course, were well- known men in "the old village" of Stoney Creek. Mrs. Lamb of Ran» dall Avenue, Stoney Creek, identified the members of the Parks Board and noted that Harold Lamb died in 1970. She pointed out that Mr. Scott was, of course, a longtime ma- nager of the Royal Bank in Stoney Creek. Betty Oddie - a name well-known in Stoney Creek Optimist Club circles -- wrote about another of the pictures in the same issue. It showed two little girls sitting on the floor in ##L ,7 their best party frocks. They were, she said, Lynne and Doreen Od- die, her daughters. "Shortly after the Stoney Creek Optimist Club was formed, they started having Christ-- mas parties for the sons and daughters of mem- bers and have contin-- ued each year since. "As those children married and had'child~ ren of their own, the club decided to extend their invitations to in« clude members of grandchildren. "Needless to say, Doreen's son Jordan and Lynne's three sons - John, Trevor and Phi- lip -- have attended many Optimist Christ-- mas parties as well.as coming to the 'Creek' for Santa Claus Parades. Flag Day ce-- lebrations and Little League baseball in'the Optimist Park. . Mrs. Oddie's hus-- band is, of course, News files Creek Photo Album. If anybody can iden-- themselves friends, we would be interested in hearing from them. Stephen J. Beecroft, Editor. whatsoever from our second set of photo- graphs, published in the Sept. 2 issue of the Jack, a very well- known member of the Optimist Club. We got no response