New school to be named after Janet Lee Wentworth County Board of Education trustees voted unanim- ously on Oct. 20 to name the new school to be built in Upper Stoney Creek after a well-known local fig- ure - Janet Lee. Groundbreaking ceremonies will be held in the second week of November. By Jean Craig Ward 6 and 7 The Stoney Creek mistees are unanimously in agreement to name the new school in Upper Stoney Creek the Janet Lee Public School. Janet Lee and her hus-- band, Erland, were the local driving force in the organization of the world's first Women's Institute, formed in Squire's hall, Stoney \ School name honors Janet Lee iT HAS taken 90 years. but Janet Lee is finally being accorded a fitting honor: her name's going on a school. 1 Who's Janet Lee, you ask? Mrs. Lee, her husband. Erland. and Adelaide Hoodless were instru-- mental in the creation of the first Women's Institute in 1897. I From its modest beginning in ' Stoney Creek. the institute became a world-wide organization devoted to enlightening rural women on a va- riety of social welfare matters -- _ from hygiene to domestic ecbn om y. Mrs Hoodless had a Hamilton 1 school named after her decades ago. Next September, Mrs. Lee will receive the same status when a new school is scheduled to be opened in the Valley Park area of Upper Sto ney Creek, off Mud Street, west of Highway 20. ' Wentwgt'h_County Boa'riof " ' ~rgustees approved the .Wotmmre_m Pub_1iC Wham. Lee and her husband, Erland, who were described as the lbcal driving force behind the creation of the first ' Women's Institute. According to a letter prepared by the Wentworth board's Stoney Creek trustees, Mrs. Lee penned the final draft of the institute's first constitu~ ' tron at her homestead on Ridge Road and she became one of the in stitute's first directors. Sod turning for the future Janet Lee school, to be built on Paramount Drive, is scheduled for early No vember. I More area news: c4, 05 ta k' 7' ye} [ENE Creek, on Feb. 19, 1897. The Women's Insti- tute caught on and spread with astonishing rapidity throughout the world. Janet Chisholm was born on Jan. 4, 1862 at Woodstock, where her father, a contractor, had moved his family while he was building Wood-- stock Collegiate Insti- tute, which is still standing When the contract was completed, the fam- ily moved back to Ham- ilton, Janet graduated from Hamilton Normal School and started teaching in'the city. She was one of four teachers chosen to take a kinder- garten teacher's course in Toronto. She returned to Hamilton to help set up a kindergarten SyS' tem. In 1889, Janet Chis-- holm married Efland Lee and gave up her profession to become a farmer's wife. _ When moving to Edgemount, now the Erland Lee Homestead on Ridge Road, Stoney Creek, Mrs. Lee brought with her a fine walnut dining room table from her grand~ father Robertson's home in Ancaster. On this table Janet Lee made the final draft of the Consti- tution for the new or- ganization, the Women's Institute. Mrs. Lee became one of the first directors of the Women's Institute and she suggested the annual fee be set at 25 cents and that regular meetings should open by NEW school: ' ' ' Chairman repeating the Lord's Prayer in unison. The objectives of the Women's Institute were divided into six divi» sions as follows: dom~ estic economy; architec-- ture with special refer- ences to sanitation, light, heat and more; physiology, hygiene, medicine, calisthenics and more; floriculture and horticulture; music and art; literature, soci- ology, education and legislation. "For home and coun- try" is the motto which We spoke to her propriately enough. Richard Davis. vice-- High School. "The famiI Davis. "Itwa has been used universaly since adopted at the First Women's Institute Con- vention held in 1902. Janet Lee died Aug. 24, 1940 at Edgemount where she and her hus- band raised three daugh- ters and two sons. Only one of Janet's four granddaughters lives in the immediate area. Named after her grandmother, Janet (Lee) Davis lives in Grimsby and is the wife of Richard, vice-princi- pal of Saltfleet High ,School. a. grandaunhtcr 'rlso c'l -- cd Janet, who lives in "Grim; (H by. Ap-- shc is the wife of princrpal of Szrltflcet But we think it's great." THE WENTWORTH COUNTYBOARD OF EDUCATION announces the SOD TURNING CEREMONY for the new JANET LEE PUBLIC SCHOOL on FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1986 t a 1:30 pm. LOCATION: Paramount Drive, Stoney Creek between Mud Street and Upper Mt. Albion Road. Rhea Springsted, Allan A. Greenleaf Director of Education ind! One school in Up»