Hamilton area //:S'AA by Ruth Uetz Special to the News Reach Out and Touch was the theme of the 62nd anniversary con-- vention of the Hamilton Area Women's Institute held at Niagara Falls. Close to 300 members at- tended from the eleven districts which include Lincoln. Went- worth. Welland. Haldimand-- Norfolk and Brant. Helen Emmott of Brantford chaired the two--day event, Myrtle Stone of Simcoe spoke to the con- vention theme. She said we fail to reach out and touch others. A word ofpraise and a little understanding would be appreciated by the lone-- ly. A gentle word of compliment falls lightly but it carries a great weight. Jane Glaves of Brantford was the speaker at the evening banquet. This busy mother of six. who has also been a foster mother for 24 years told the delegates she has been reaching out and touching for years. She urged the delegates to speak out and do something ifthey know ofchildren being bused or neglected. Rural Organizations Specialists Bev. Elving and Dave Trivers gave a presentation on the Bu ss of Volunteers. With partictpation from the delegates. they listed rea-- sons why people volunteer. how you keep volunteers. and what motivates volunteers. RESOLUTIONS Delegates sustained an emergen- cy resolution requesting prayers and religious education be put back into our school curric um. Other resolutions were related to the ban- ning of the advertisement of alco- holic beverages on television. the unannounced and frequent inspec- tion by the Ministry of Health of all nursing and retirement horn" and the urgent need for strong uni- form guidelines to be set by the Attorney-General regarding the sentences handed down in the COllrlS. Margaret Munro. president of the Federated Women's Institute of Ont' io, urged members to use plastic bags that are biodegradable. These are manufactured by the St. Lawrence Starch Company and are made from corn. She suggested that delegates ask store managers to obtain them. She commented on the great suc- cess of the Recycling Conference held by the Women's Institute in Kingston. She said members had attended from across the province. Almost $30000 has been sent to the Associated Country Women of the World by the Ontario WI mem» bers who each contributed the price ofa loaf of bread. Mrs. Munro told the delegates they need to be aware of Family Law, Many of our laws are now in place because of WI in- volvement, she said. An unexpected guest of the Fed-- erated Women's Institute of Cana- da was Jennie MCInnes. She said the next conference of the national organization will be held in Van- couver. The FWIC has produced a cookbook. Members from On- tario have been asked to sell 1,000 copies. 'Hi da Beachin from the Erland Lee Home Committee said there is a new parking lot at the home 10- '- convention cated near Stoney Creek. "Christ~ mas at the Lee" will be held Dec. 7. There will be demonstrations of Christmas crafts and tours through the home. The general public is invited.~ e Nelles said there will be a Chri mas Open House at the Adelaide Hoodle ' Home, near St. George on De Each of the resented a display of their ch01 t the con- vention. The fact that nearly all of the displays were based on Waste Management showed the keen in- terest that WI members have in recycling. Delegates from Hamilton Area to 3 WI Leadership Workshop, to be held early in 1989 will be Kay Taylor of St. George and Edna Ward of Ierseyville. The 1989 Convention will be held in Brantford. Editor's note: The Erland Lee Home can be contacted at 662-2691. Erland Lee Home hosting craft day Wed~ 10 um. -- 4 pm. and 7 pm. - 9 Erland Lee Museum Home is having Heri- tage Craft Days from June 8 to June 10 at the museum, 552 Ridge Rd.. Stoney Creek. Hours nesday p.m., are Thursday, 10 a.m. -- 4 pm. and Friday 10 am. - 4 pm. Demonstrations of quilting. bread making. loom weaving. rug hooking, tatting and doll displays will be featured, There will be a country store with home made crafts. jams andjellies. Contact June Coombs at 662-2691 for more information.