George Lewis has asked us to remind readers about the Stoney Creek Historical Society's annual Christ- mas by Candlelight House Tour, which will take place on Dec. 12, from 7--10 p.m. Visitors will get a chance to view the Erland Lee House, which has been turned into a museum by the Federated Women's Institutes of Ontario. The white board and batten house is of Gothic design and features green shutters. two bay windows and hand carved maple verge boards that resemble a paper chain of maple leaves. It took a carpenter's apprentice, called Moore, the whole sum-- mer of 1873 to complete. They will also be touring the Lewis House, which was built in 1843 and it still in the possession of the descen- dants of Levi and Mary Lewis, the original owners. This beautiful colonial house has handsome Palladian porv ticos that give a sense of refinement and grace. The 115,000 red bricks ' . in a kiln built on the proper-- The Billy Green home on Ridge Road is still owned by the Green family. This was the home of the man who alerted the British troops the American invaders were advancing, resulting in the Battle ofStoney Creek. Tickets for this house tour cost $10 and proceeds to go to the society's museum fund. Call 643-3665 or 662-4582 for details. ' *t*** Historical society presents candlelight tour The Stoney Creek Historical Society presents its fourth annual Christmas by Candlelight House Tour. The tour takes in the Erland Lee, Billy Green and Lewis houses from 7-10 p.m. Dec. 12. ' ' ' tour. There W'lll be music and refreshments during the house. , Tickets are $10 each and proceeds Will go to the soc1etys , museum fund. Christmas is coming to the Lee House. We have a note from Hilda Beachin about Christmas at the Lee. The old house at 552 Ridge Rd. Stoney Creek, will be trimmed with early Victo rian-style decorations. Visi- tors will be able to sample hot-mulled cider and old- fashioned cookies, said Mrs. Beachin. For more details, call 662- 2691. *tttt