-OWW/ Ontario Ministry of M inist'ere du 77 Bloor Street West 77 rue Bloor ouesl . . Toronto. Ontario Toronto. Ontario Tourism. and Tourisme et WAN Mum Recreation cles Loisirs July 20, 1990 (V Dear Colleague in Tourism: Tel: 416 965-5764 Fax: 416 963-3388 1991 TRAVEL COUNSELLORS' DIRECTORY It is once again time for our annual publication update, and we are asking for your assistance in the preparation of our 1991 publication. The Travel Counsellors' Directory is used as a major reference source in our offices, as well as in regional travel centres across the province. The information it contains helps millions of visitors in planning their Ontario vacation. In 1989 the Ministry's travel centres and telemarketing service responded to almost two million inquiries. The attached questionnaire shows your attraction's listing as it appears in this year's Travel Counsellors' Directory. Please help us by checking it carefully, changing any incorrect details, and adding information as necessary. You can make your changes directly on the copy. If your 1991 rates and dates are not yet confirmed, please indicate "Subject to change" or "1990 rates/dates". Othenlvise, you run the risk of outdated information being quoted as current once the Directory is in print. If you have no changes to make, we still need your confirmation- just sign and return the questionnaire marked "No change". If you have a brochure or press kit, we should appreciate your attaching a copy for our files. Information collected is also used for consumer publications with early press deadlines, such as the Traveller's Encyclopaedia. We therefore urge you to return the form to our office no later than AUGUST 24 1990. If you have any questions, or need to inform us of changes after you return your form, please do not hesitate to contact either mysalf or Susan Bryce at the above number. We rely on you to help us keep our information as up--to-date as possible. Thank you for your cooperation and assistance. Yours sincerely, 5%" Egle M. Bottos Advertising & Promotion Section Enc.