.Stoney Creek story in a Scottish newspaper Following is a story from The Sunday Post (Scotland). As it originated in Stoney Creek I con- sidered that it may bé'of interest to your readers. I am not familiar with The Women's Institute; I didn't even know it still existed. However, I thought your readers might be interested in the story: IT WAS a race against time. As dawn broke over a log cabin in the Canadian backwoods, a young mother called Adelaide Hoodless sat nursing her sick baby. Her husband had ridden for the doctor, but in her heart she knew it was too late. Tragically, her premonition was right. By the time the doctor arrived, the battle had been lost. The cause? Contaminated milk. For Adelaide Hoodless had not sterilised her baby 's bottle, simply because she did not know any better. Heartbroken, Adelaide channell-- ed her gn'ef into a fierce detennina- n'on no other mother should repeat her tragic mistake. In the years that followed she travelled the country visiting lonely homesteads, and passing on her life-saving message. She realised country women could help each other in all sons of ways, and that's how the first meeting of a Woman 's Institute took place -- in Stoney Creek, 0n- tan'o in 1897. later Adelaide came to Wales and set up a branch there -- and now 340,000 belong to the Women 's Institute in this country, all with the aim of helping each other. And it happened because of a mother's grief. ' J. s. 'Willis Getting ready for June 10 Canada Flag Day Parades are happenings per-- ceived as spectacular extra- vaganzas by both young and old. It is a thrill to behold this scene as a spectator. but an even greater thrill is experienced when you are a contributing part of the adven~ lure. Parades normally contain clowns marchers. bands, floats, majorettes and any number of other displays or vehicles commemorat- ing a specific item, event or person. The success and continuance of these events is dependent solely on involvement by groups and people like you. Please accept this invita» tion to join (and create) the fun. The let Canada Flag Day Parade will be held on June ID at 2 pm. and we sincerely hope that you will be able to attend and help make this year's celebration as suc~ cessful as. or better than last year. Looking forward to seein ou on Canada Flag Day '89. g y R.H. Nicholls Parade Marshall Canada Flag Day '89 DeCew Falls WI ' holds monthly March meeting The DeCew Falls branch of the Women's Institute met at the home of Mrs_Russel.l.Y.uagblut for their arch meeting. MThe meeting took the form of a potluck luncheon. The tables were tastefully decorated With Shamrocks and a good lunch was en'o ed. kinematile the AdelaidLFHmdlfiSLJifime--cin "Iowa--12min» . Rigelaide Hoodless was the founder of the Woananstimmn--NBT. The roll call was answered by a special collection for Pennies for Friendship which helps support the organization in needy countries. A nominations commmce was named to attend a program report meeting at the home of Mrs. Clara Olesen April 4 at 1:30 pm. A questionnaire was handed out regarding next year's program. It is expected there Willbe a smocki'ng course put on by the Allenmtg Women'st Lathe fall. A member will take the course. . The program for the day was in- temational affairs. Mrs. Elsie Smith read two of her own poems on spring and Easter which were appropriate. Mrs. Esther Summers gave a very informative $31k or: fithJ Engagisigdfhegm frvm cf ther's homelan . mghe club was treated to Icelan- dic cake, a sandwich calte made of layers of sponge cake With a prune jam' mixture in between. A socml time was enjoyed . .x