. If I was a visitor to use 21 Hamilton, what . v attractions would you take me to see? _ Hamilton Mayor Bob " , I Morrow's list of tourist ' ' * attractions in Hamilton include: The Royal Botanical Gardens; Contederation Park; the Hamilton Harbour; Gage Park; Albion Falls; the ~ - Art Gallery of Hamilton; 80", Morrow the Hamilton-Scourge Project; Macassa Bay Tours; the Hamilton Farmer's Market; all the malls in Hamilton; all the unique shop- ping districts like Westdale, Hess Village, Intemation- at Village, Jamesville. Ottawa St.. Concession St., Barton St., and Kenilworth Ave.; and all the museums in the area such as Canadiaerarelansfieritage , Museum. Dundurn Castle, Erlang Lee Home, ~iThe Hamilton Museum oi Steam and Techno y. The Hamilton Military Museum, and the list goes on. The Mayor's answer was almost a tourist guide in itself and cannot be reprinted in its entirety. You'll just have to read Brabrant's Community/Tourist Guide to discover more about this exciting community of Hamilton. For up--tordate information on events taking place in Greater Hamilton call The Event Line 522--7772 I? Tour Fun Trek, 527-2100 I? Tour Dundurn Castle, Hamilton 522-531 3 W! The Regional Municipali % of Hamilton-Wentworthty J Economic Development Depanment