PAGE 22 McMaster Chamber Quartet in the Courtyard August 11 Summer Events at the Hamilton Museums The Hamilton Military Museum (Dundurn Park, York Boulevard) Exhlb" intriguing collection of uniforms, equipment and military memorabilia dating from 1790 to World War II The Hamllton Museum of Steam and Technology (900 Woodward Ave., Hamilton) Exhlblts "It's About Time" antique clocks until July 5 Preservation and Restoration - July 22 e o ran 3 l °pe."s h _ (1072 Maln St. E.. Hamilton) 5"" flfgfgm am Gas S W Exhle Farming until June 23 Whitehern _ , Weather forecasting Opening July 18 (41 Jackson Street w.. Hamilton) Events 11th Birthday Party Weekend --July Events REG Garden Tours _ June. 9 to 32:": 23 11. 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Dundum 3' ° . . String Quartet Panache -- June (Dundum Park, York Boulevard, Hamilton) 11' 2 p_m_ to 3 pm. 5'9"" Microcosm (a show and sale of 19th Sr Citizen Carousel -- June 13, century crafts) July 16 15. and 20 ofte Museums any of Hamilton Share Our History Share Our Future SUMMER EVENTS IIIIIIIIII BISTLE meEflEnl 'I'IIE IIIIILTOI'IIISEIII TIE GIIILIIIEI'S IIISEIIi 418 522-5313 IF STE" & TEGIIIIILOGY (416) 549-9285 "I a) @225". (415) 549-522 'FAHMING' exhlblt July 2 - SUMMER CHILDREN'S FESTIVAL, June 9, 10. 11 - Opening July 22 -- Exhibit untll June 23 11.4 p.m. GARDEN TOURS "PROTECTING HAMILTON'S WEATHER AND WEATHER 1-4 p.m. HERITAGE, PRESERVATION FORECASTING _ opens July 18 My 15 - "cams" ' June 11 -- GARDEN AND RESTORATION or THE "WW ""1"" "mwm' CONCERT of Classical and STEAM MUSEUM." Jul)! 22/23 - 1"" BIRTHDAV tlon craft show and sale -. , _ free admission (rain date July 23) 5mm" mus": by 3"" July 22 a 23 -- ANTIQUE Quartet Panache (rain date STEAM AND GAS SHOW Jul 26 - FUNLAND BAND Aug. 4 - McMASTER June 15) entgrtains, 11 a.m. & 2 p.m. CHAMBER QUARTET - (rain location - Scott Park Arena) °"°"'"9"°k°'3 avai'ab'°~ SUMMER HOURS . om DAM 11 a.m.-4 p.m. openmmat. Aug. 27 - VICTORIAN 10e.m.-4 p.m. GARDEN PAH'I'V - 12 noon + * ALSO VISIT * Sunday 1-4 p.m. Twainmemmm gonad..." THE HAMlLTON ulemv MUSEUM 0'05" "Ways 8"" June 24--July 17 inclusive tor children throughout the (416) 523-5681 -- OPEN DAILY NOON-5 PM. to, exhibit change "mm" ouununu CASTLE GIFT SHOP Department of Culture and Recreation -- (,'orptlrution City of Hamilton