Hamilton is centre stage for live theatre Once dotted with repertory, dramatic and experi- mental theatre. Hamilton has begun to lure theatre- goers in the community to a host of playhouses which have cropped up all over the city. Beginning in June. Theatre Terra Nova presents How Could You Mrs chk?, the story of a gruesome 1946 murder in Hamilton. Written by Douglas Rodger, it will be presented in Hamilton Place's Studio Theatre June 1 to 10 at 8 pm. with a matinee at 2 pm. on the final day. Tickets are $10. Hamilton's own Toy Town Troopers present Peanut Butter And Knuckle Sandwich July 4 at the Dundas Public Library. In the Troopers' seven year existence local playwrights and actors have been tea- tured. This summer's play is an anti-violence story which teaches children about how to settle their differ- ences with words rather than their lists. The Troopers' most renowned play is Touchlng, also a teaching play, which helps children distinguish between good and bad bodily contact from adults. Recruiting local talent creates a bit of competition between theatre groups. The Dundas Little Theatre will be scanning the area for its November production of The Dlary of Anne Frank, a compelling documen- tation of a Jewish family holed up in an Amsterdam attic during the Second World War. Auditions for teenaged right up to 50-year-old would-be actors will be held June 12 and 13 at 7 pm. at the Centre for the Arts on Market St. in Dundas. Prior to that Shake- speare's Much Ado About Nothing hits the centre's stage June 8 to 10. For more information call the Carnegle Gallery. 627-4265. Theatre Aquarlus' tall repertoire begins Sept. 27 to Oct. 21 with Tennessee WIlllams' The Night Of The Iguana. Packed with characters of intense emotion, clergyman Shannon and the innocent Hannah parallel the outside storm with their own weather-beaten life traumas. Entrapment could be the theme of the theatre's fall playbill with the Nov. 15 to Dec. 9 show Cecil And Cleopatra. Physically confined in a wheelchair, the character Cecil soon'sheds his sarcastic and biting humoristic vices and allows his sensitivity to flow out. Cleopatra is trapped in closed-mindedness but with Cecil's help her world becomes filled with the enjoy- able thought--provoking skills 0! imagination. , For ticket information on either of the above two plays call 522-7529. The Players' Guild of Hamllton will bump its com- piled history ot 500 plays by five in the 1989-90 sea- son, starting with I'll Be Back By Mldnlght. The Canadian comedy thriller hits the Macdonald The- atre on York and Bay streets Sept. 29 and 30 and Oct. 5 to 7. PAGE 23 DOLLS! I" WERAVE A [Arise SELECTION OF COLLECTORS DOLLS --- INCLUDING PORCELAIN, ZAPF , LENCI, BERJUSA. MUNDIA. ALSO 100's OF DOLL HOUSE MINIATURES & ACCESSORIES WE STOCK OVER 500 DIFFERENT TEDDY BEARS ---- INCLUDING STEIFF, GUND, RAIKES. BINKLEY. ETCt ALSO TREASURED MEMORIES, HUMMEL FIGURES AND MORE Come in for a friendly visit to: MacKenzie's Gifts 1537 MAIN ST. E. (at Weir) HAMILTON 545-2388 SUMMER HOURS: 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Dally Welcome Visitors To the FACTORY SI'IOE OUTLET 0 MEN'S Below Mfg. - WOMEN'S 0 Suggested - CHILDREN'S 0 Price Save at Least 2255 BARTON ST. E. at Nash Rd. 560-9737 Visa - Masterwrd