PAGE 63 Stoney Creek News. Wednesday. June 2. 1973 By Ruby Williams The 50th anniversary of Saltfleet's women's Institute was held in the Fireside and Mrs. JE. Jones. In charge of the guest book, where 81 names were registered, were Mrs. W. singing of the ode. rel)" the Mary Stewart Saltfleet Women 's In opened the meeting WI , m W Coll"t and the Lord's Prayer' ' ofme titute 50th anniversary serVEt'l for de parted mem- '31'5 followed by an im- Dressive solo Be , yond the %?Set. sung by Mrs. L. St. Peter's Centre, Hamilton, also their brother Tom Jones of British Columbia, who so proudly told us that their Status, thus keeping the original organization intact and was known as Saltfleet Women's Institute. The Room 0f Stoney Creek Turk and Ml'S- W. Zinlef. It was the Pleasure r 1 iv?"- mother,Mrs.A1Jones,wasa chariter members were Chum" 0" WedneSdaY. May While guests were aSSEm- PreSident to "lemme 3,551 Dr r5~ Oswald also ex- Charter Member of Stoney daughtersorrelatrves of the 26. bling, popular music of the members of Saltfleet ,1 essed her pleasure for the Creek Women's Institute. original members 0f . {119' Guests were welcomed at past was played by Mrs. R. the District officers €195 gresence of Miss Lottie The President took as her Mother Institute. The family the Gomen Anniversary Williamsv ~ members from "'9 Bran". , ""95, a present member theme for the program - of Erland Lee, whose. Idea party by the President Mrs. The PIGSidemy Wearing a of Wentworth South Dlsmc "Eda life member, her sister Yesterday, Today and culminated m the founding of A. Oswalfd and past lover corsage, a gift of the Women's Institutes. Two '55 Hattie JonesI a present Tomorrow. Mrs. Oswald the Women's Institute, has presidents Mrs. F. Felker ,3 I -- a mum-9m»... ,. , 4..."..M4axolmu . .3'- w-- a.» members of Saltfleet W.l., Saltfleet W.I. members, from left, Miss Lottie M. Jones, life member: Mrs. Aletha Turk, past president; Mrs. Fred Felker, past president: minutes silence was ob- s .4}, i , ' ,. a}, 'k 1 Mrs. A.M. Oswalk, resr ent; Mrs. J.E. Jones, D member who is a patient of past president; Mrs. Dorothy Lang, member. called on the secretary, Mrs. EJ. Corman, who gave an interesting resume of the work that had been done by Saltt'leet W.I. over the years. She then gave the roll call of the first meeting in 1926. Past members were then asked to stand and give their maiden names and to speak on their memories of Salt- fleet W.l. Dorothy Thomas (Mrs. W. Lang) was the only charter member present. She served as secretary treasurer several years. The President then told of the forming of the Branch. It started out in 1925 when the Department of Agriculture held a three month short course for girls on Home Economics, sewing, millinery, rapid calculation, public speaking and writing. It was held in the old Cheyne Church. In 1926, May 26, they formed the first Junior In stitute organized by W.G. Marritt and Miss Olive Langton. The meeting was held at the home of Misses Lazelle and Pearl Krick with 30 girls present. Eleven years later, this Branch was allowed to assume Senior been actively interested in the Saltt'leet Branch. Saltfleet WI. was an ex- tremely active group. Some of the activities were quilting bees where by 1959 the members had made 1345 quilts which were given to the Red Cross, Children's Aid and disaster areas. Some were sold. Pearl Krick received a Red Cross pin from the Society for her leadership. in this work. The members competed in dramatic contests and won a silver rose bowl, silver cake basket, and a silver cup. A successful street dance was held in 1944 to raise money for jam for Britain in the war years. A huge bingo was held, banquets catered to, held card parties, bake sales and a mammoth cooking school was held in the local theatre. The Institute was honored when their President of 1959, Mrs. C. Hickmore, was one of three hostesses who was introduced to Queen Elizabeth II on the occasion of her Majesty's visit to Battlefield House. Mrs. Oswald told her audience that it was an honor for her to be President for this memorable Golden Anniversary. She stated the the WI. has never turned down a genuine plea for assistance and that we shall go forward with courage and dedication of purpose and hope that Saltfleet , women's Institute will be = around for another 50 years. Mrs. D. McKibbon, the new president of Wentworth South District Women's Institute was called on and brought greetings from the District. The President thanked all the committees for their help on this memorable day. The meeting closed with God Save the Queen, followed by a delightful social hour. The Fireside Room was beautifully decorated for the .4! I occasion. The birthday cake was displayed on a central ' table with agold and lace cloth, silver candelabra with ' blue and gold candles. Pouring tea were the President and Secretary, Mrs. A. Oswald and Mrs E.J. Cof'man. Mrs. G. Rush and Mrs. C. Lackhart, Institute members, were the con- veners for the delightful lunch served. member of the Saltfleet W.l. and her sister. _ Hattie I. Jones, long time member of the Saltl'leet W.l. and her brother T Attending the 50th anniversary of Salflleet Women's Institute are. from left, President Mrs. A.M. Oswald. Miss Lottie M. Jones, life Saltfleet Women's Institute. President, Mrs. A.M. Oswald, centre, takes the first cut in the Institute's 50th anniversary cake assisted by Miss Lottie M. Jones, life member of Saltfleet W.l., on left, and Mrs. J.E. Jones, past president of the Saltt'leet W.l. 'JOIIH BEETS ,uunssnv a. ram ' MARKET A WIDE VARIETY OF - LAWN ORNAMENTS V OBOX PLANTS oTREES OEVERGREENS IFLOWER SHRUBS OFRUIT TREES O'WIDE VARIETY OF PERENNI'ALS oPEAT MOSS OFERTILIZER 'SEEDING POTATOES oALL GARDEN SUPPLIES oFRUITS 8: VEGETABLES THIS 'WEEKEND ONLY Pl'l'llllAS 8r GEIAHIUMS '0' 8. Joan our: ' r ' ' NURSERY & FARM ° v E" P'flgracomrtteeréfe ber rth 50th a ' I'IVIY. IIISI SOUIII OI MIIII SI. zzwemry celebrations lInvhiclsr their :lace .- , . . , , , . .1 .. , :., Unneadgesday afternoon at Stoney Creek hurch are, front left, Saltl'leet WJ. President Mrs. A.M. Oswald, Mrs. Ruby Williams and back, Mrs. Eve Wilson. Mrs. Theda Rush, Mrs. Dorothy Lockhurt, Mrs. Mary Zinszie, and Mrs. Mary Corman. .4.