[VIAUAM Minimum) ' MUNIHLY 3, Gail McKimieIl Knowing the past, helps us to understand and apprecrate the present. An oft spoken collo- quialisrn that is seldom ex. perienced. I . . However this spring Niagara 4. Her's are discovering their r905, as the spring lifeskill_pr015ct focuses on Ontario's heritage, . After spending the morning cooking lunch lover a hot woodstove, on a mild Saturday in February, the Carstorvrlle cam turians unanimously declared, With as much sugar as will be wanted before you add cream which should be of a middling richness". And we think metric measures are confusin . Other 'hand-on' activities club mernbers explored during the preject were the art of rug braid- ing and hand dipped candlemak- mg. The only artificial light in the early settlers' homes were provided by fireplace, pine knots used as torches or grease lamps. Candles were rare and had to be purchased. Fats available to the settlers would not be used for candlernaking. Pork lard was kept for use in the frypan. Beef fats were used in the soap making process and for wagon wheel grease. Mutton fat, although Suitable f0: Candlemak- "We're glad we live nowadays!" In order to EXBcnence the 'good old days', 01" Il'rader Lynn Williams was up early Sloking the . Woodstove. A Job hard to imagin e days Of Push bum) s and "minim, "5 . Just to add tot. C authentic at. l mosphereinthe chenthe men} . was re and by settlers for bC'VfiMd d lgadel's W01» margin Gather shoes and cloth. Dlgl-- ashione 05mm". The gr g g ' nglnp gigi'iiiotnglfizdslkepareg mgLater Candles were mil": by x r ClDes b ' ' ouring 0! mo ing, V p I h art f r ut dipping, P . a , I ' V f p t ' {Egghgifmfrmglluazzlflpm filling Candle dipping '1"35 the "5155' afifimvekfil'l: 0L FASHIONED WAY - Calstorvllle Cenlurlans gather around in 2" l ' ' i " under the [medias way to make cand'es. f h ' I am 5 c an! finer may Spam 8 hol m°mlng conkan lunch Club a w°°dsmV3 ln club leader Lynn M r Moffflt and L cc "leaders. The "'5' insistmg 0 {re CE"? mm '9" '° "9'": "'8de BealY, Leanne Bealvlyoulh leader) Dawri Yo members I" Costume lor the occasion. are a Y her Yim Wlm t « 6 Centuriaus was a ield trip Wllllams (leader), and Anna Fischer. The up fashioned coo". I ung, Mary Mollat (leader), Alyson 5cm Lynn [113112261321 5 made beef 5% m Caistorville United' Church Herllngeu n9 esson was part at lhls Sprlng.s 4'" club "Munro." SC -' aPple ci - ' te . Doris Dennis, presi- Pudding anddate squamcsifzr, rice 32350;?" Lincoln District W.I., AHd they found our learning Mix flour su ar bakin ' . Lift]; W'Hlams' 'Wuntr explained the local history in the YOI'Ilfgoolts can he fun too! and salt thgetghei in 'g' pOWder apple-mice kith 6n , Complain. Wit Tweedsmuir Book compiled by d e dollowmg recrpcs were usingafmk cutb ttmflfmg lfiowl 5 ml whole allsPice woo SloVe,madel eco .luglcs~ bers of the Women s In- rna can sainpledbythe Caistor- mixt -' " 31' Into our Smlwholc Cloves so" veryreansua 'The spun figfieK-- ' " ' H V flan--V ' ""5 .Ccniunaus at their cooking Meat": "Sag the. astry blende}; Zsticks Cinnamon I "fldc'SlOij Why plonietm um 2* atel- ihis month the club Will meeting In MaIcll. All reci CS mea me}; 6 ml k mt? llmild Optional Garnish: un eel (1 5mm" "when Whexdu'ingot?"~ ' ' ate in the Heritage Day rec'frlved 3 Stamp 0f approval i301- B tsumfi .rcakthe Egg. into milk. aPple rings or unpeeledp el ing could be doneflival of "'1'; p" 27) at the Erland Lee, . lowrn atastetestingbythc mam 658 We mthafork. Stumilkand shces app 3 [h the a l bers' caders: and myself. g "mm" "1'0 flour mixture, Pour apple cider or applejuice lig tly mixing to make a soft in 9011619" 995'.-- ~-- gh. Turn dough into floured (nus project mcm ers into alarge sauce an. Place Weather "'i don Stoves' - t stoves were 1 In Ontario {1155's . - earned' ' " ll th b ' Lon Pointm'he h erltzlge ISW a as cen SCONE . s ices 1n fiagggag$rfgslg h Vgan Nostm}; $253.9" "1) themhfrom 0th" 500 ml flour 3 fungi"?- Iineabd twrce, Roll dough aIrid tie $13132: stilirigesefigg . Imic wher Ions~ t's W 0 we are 25ml mic 6:3 OUtZCmthick Cut 5 ice b '- The stove ma 6 cooking m 3' .5 Our 1 mil cam f ' Sugar dough into 3 t ' 1 ' P a '0 sa"Cepan. Sumner , be bet ones a y. 6 tom, 25 mlb kin . "311g 88. Place covered orZO--ZS ' v: sunpler. Theheat could _ lama about farm! in b a ngWdCr scones on h htl d ' ' -mm' Rama d more 5"? {fags Y 301 crs, 1 m1 sal g Y grease cookie spice ba . Ladle mm harps?" g2:§'§3§%$§,g°gzamm easdy 5:35:22? 3513233552 [my summing. i263: Bgfgmugfgfiaged oven 10- mugs. 45w wedges: 1 " s" a '1... .g- - - n rown. -. " - . moved. Byllifzis 3 [55,5 . d, .'celeb'al'm" "'"u' fifiwfivmm , - _. .. ' a ' "3'5" 9°"? iffing'iiformf common' "in stand"; the United ' .u {4 ' ' 'e or 1.36 litre can PM" m '°'"°"luicu angina? ' COIyJ-I'vr-e Arr ' , I ( . 0 became remain 32: Carl cook- Grcat oed ' y. ' . "engrave SClllcl's m On. radifl'gfof these settle:s had [arie- Exams form Europe my orig'ngrrived from the United baffles as United Empire styalists. The foods eaten were carry and I{Cl1- Salt and pepper 1' cm the basic spices. "4 Pally Cookbooks were com- 05'Td or women who were ex- "'flccd cooks. Often the l, [mints were listed With no 5% instructions, Take Gel am for ex--