{New eura'tor, t Continued from page 8 girls and boys; they do charitable work. I won- der how many people out there realize what this group is all about." Admitting that she herself didn't fully un- derstand the workings of a Women's Institute, upon accepting the posi- tion at the museum, Susan joined the ranks of the Vinemount Wo- men's Institute. And what did she learn? "There's a wealth of information at your fin- gertips, both as part of the Vinemount Women's Institute and the Erland Lee Museum Home. It's a study of the commun- ity and the development of the community." On Dec. 5 and 6, the Women's Institute is presenting Christmas at the Lee, special events days featuring pioneer crafts and demonstra- tions. The public is invited to attend from 10 am. to 4 p.m., both days. It's a great tribute to times past so why not drop in and welcome Susan and Jim to the community.