PROGRAM April 29, 30 and May I, 1975 AFTERNOON SESSION 2130 p.m. but ' an --# Mrs. Harvey L. No 1 , ' I h _. Chfllgfilnmediate Past President, Federated Women s Institutes of Omano) E Opening Ode --' Mua'fil II?{IETI'lJll/diiimill and Mrs. Harold Roland __ 3 pm. Greetings I Dr B C Matthews, President, UniverSIty of Waterloo Miss Helen McKercher, Director Home Economics Branch' Ontario # Ministry of Agriculture and Food __ of President, Federated Women's Institutes of Ontario, Mrs. Herb Maluske, by Mrs. H. Noblitt ---- Presidents address: . IglflgiEEléTAKE SOMETHING THAT IS DIFFICULT; IT WILL DO YOU GOOD. UNLESS YOU TRY To DO SOMETHING BB YOND WHAT YOU HAVE ALREADY MASTERED. YOU WILL R GROW" NEVE ' Ronald E. Osborn -- Lets Sing 7 Mrs. Winmill and Mrs. Roland # Introduction Discussion Group Leaders -- Mrs. H. Noblitt _ "THE WAY [T 15" Mrs, Robert B. Weber. Officers' Conference Secretary. 81'. Treasur t********** EVENING SESSION April 29 -- 8 p.m. Humanities Theatre -- Lets Sing -- Mrs. Winmill and Mrs. Roland _ Chairman -- Mrs. Herb Maluske. President Federated Women's 1mm tutes of Ontario. -- Greetings A Hon. William A. Stewart. Minister, Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food. -- Soloist -- Paul Fry # Guest Speaker -- Mrs. John A. McLean, President Federated Women's Institutes of Canada. "YOU AND YOUR ORGANIZATION" -- Coffee Party -- Village 11 Cafeteria ~ Meet Mrs. McLean *ttxkxnmtrsertt DISCUSSION GROUP CHAIRMEN AND LEADERS GROUP Number and Leaders Discussion Group Chairmen Time Room Numbers x Branch Secretary-Treasurers (All Secretary--Treasurers groups will go on Bus Tour on Wed. mom.) 1, Mrs. Earl Morden ~ Chairman 1:30 p.m. 110 West 2. Mrs. Neil Cleary " p.m. 102 West 3. Mrs, Cecil Hollands " p.m. 110 North 4. Mrs. Fred McBride " p.m. 102 North 5. Mrs. R.J. Penny " p.m. 110 South 6. Mrs. John Rumble " p.m. 102 South 7. Mrs. Brock Suddaby " p.m. 110 East lk * * * i * * 3k * 1k * Branch, District, Area, Agriculture & Canadian Industries Conveners 8. Mrs. John King a Chairman 1:30 p.m. Great Hall (District & Area) 9. Mrs. Abrner B. Martin " p.m. Great Hall (District & Area) * X * 30! X 3' * * * lk 3': Branch 10. Mrs. Ted Baker 1:30 p.m. 102 East 11. Mrs. Allan Orr 9:00 am. 110 West 12. Mrs, R.W. Payne " a.m. 102 West 13. Mrs. Kenneth Spence " a.m. 110 North '2 3! 1 ll! * t 3k 3k * )k * Branch Members-at-Large 14, Mrs. Harvey Noblitt ~ Chairman 9 am. 102 North 15. Mrs. James Coyne " a.m. 110 South 16. Mrs. Clarence Diamond " a.m. 102 South 17 Mrs. W.E. Doerr " a.m. 110 East 18 Mrs. Lorne Grey " a.m. 102 East 19. Mrs. Sam Koski " a.m. Great Hall 20. Mrs. Jack Sparling " a.m. Great Hall xxwwtxxxartskxs: Groups I -- 10 take bus tour Wednesday morning, Discussion Groups, afternoon. Groups II -- 20 take bus tour Wednesday afternoon, Discussion Groups, morning.