EXECUTIVE OFFICERS Honorary President: Miss Helen McKercher, Director Home Economics Branch, Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food Past President F.W.l.0. e 7 Mrs, Harvey L. Noblitt, Ottawa President v Mrs. Herb Maluske, Chesley Officers' Conference Secretary-Treasurer, Mrs. Robert B. Weber' Bloomingdale Secretary-Treasurer, F.W.I.O., Mrs, Harvey Houston. Lucknow *********** Registration: Bloomingdale Women's Institute Members. Mrs. Wilbur Lawrence Erland Lee Home Bus Tour -- Mrs. Margaret Zoeller (Co-Ordinator) F.W.I.0. Display Area ~ Mrs. Wm. G. Miller 7» Chairman r Helena Feasby Women's Institute Members Institute Display Area -- Mrs. Archie Armour, Tliamesford Music 7 Mrs. R. Winmill, Fonthill -- Mrs. Harold Roland, St. Catharines. ******x**** @% November 1964 At the Fall meeting of the Provincial Board of the Federated Women's Institutes of Ontario a letter was read from the Saltfieet women's institute, asking that consideration be given to the purchase of the Lee Home to be preserved as a memorial site by the Women's Institutes. A motion was passed at that meeting that a committee be appointed to investigate the matter and report at the next Board meeting. Original Committee appointed: Mrs. Russell Wise ~ Chairman 7 Board Director Subdivision l7. Mrs. H.A. Dickinson 7 Secretary * Past Board Director. Mrs. L.R. Trivers ~ President a F.W.l.O. Mrs. Lilah Lymburner 7 Past President ' F,W.l,0. Miss Helen McKereher a Director, Home Economics Branch. In November I966. the Lee Committee "was given permission to take an option. If necessary on the Lee Property at a cost of $40,000.00." During the next three years investigations were carried on and it was not until April 1969. that the Provincial Board moved that an agreement to purchase be taken on the property, to be held until at least 1972. F.W.l.O. pledged $1000.00 to start the fund. At the Board Meeting in November, l97l the last $5,000.00 was received. The $40,000.00 had been raised through donations from the F,W,l.O., F.W.l.C.. National Federation of Women's institutes, England and Wales. Grants from Wentworth County. and the many fine donations from individual Members and Branches. During this ten year period the Provincial Presidents served on the Committee: Mrs. Everett Small, Mrs, Austin S. Zocller, Mrs. H.L. Noblitt and presently. Mrs. Herbert Maluske. In April I971 the original chairman and secretary resigned and Mrs. Zoellcr was appointed chairman, and Mrs. Miller secretary. Present Committee Mrs. Austin Zoeller. Chairman Miss Helen McKercher. Director, Home Economics Branch Mrs. Herbert Maluske, President. F.W.l.O. Mrs. Earl Mordcn. Secretary Treasurer. F.W.l.O. Mrs. Wm. G. Miller, Past Secretary Treasurer, F.W.l.O.