NEW GLASGOW LOCAL COUNCIL OF WOMEN NEW GLASGOW, NOVA scam Mrs. John Hoodluas .' The death of hay year and a half old son from drinking impuru milk awakvnud Kira. John Hoodluss of Hamilton to tho imperativ: hood of homumuking uducation. She felt that she should hav; known unoggh about food to ham: provantod his death, and her wish to Eparu othurs from {a 11K; tragvdy led hm t-o duvet: be? brilliant. inmlluct to putting hOMu-flfikins education wicmn roach of all. So, although tbs. .ightwn-ninutiw vinuxi with alarm, and mom man a libtl; flair--ecu, amnion on public platforms, . Ho 33.2.55 carried hcz' crusade frnm tho 1;.' us' parlour out into (21': m'rld'o'f mm and affairs. As Chairman of tho National Committn on Domwtic 'eionao and 'ggchnical Education, ah» dlmctud the efforts of Local Councils to hem; houSuhold scioncu inuluiod 1n ache-o]. curriculum. E'hu visited 12hr. hgfit schools in England and thu Unitm mans, and corrunpondnd with all L.' oaaan ooumrho whor- it was bning taught; Lady fibwc'an 'JIX'MQQ that Mm. lloodless' fluthusiaaz E'Mupt awrything bufOI'u it. 4' 1 HJ' Epuechua on that. topic, although dcliVuiY'ud fifty yvara ago, wound a ' Very modern not». For 512's. Hoodlum adVOOBtcd than what uducationists arc advocating; today: thu wholu chili, body and spirit. as avgll as mind. i should by trainué in school; a Dnevsidud eurriculum 1nd to mischief and W11; vocational skills should be taught; me 7' mm fivplof'ufi the lack of € akillmi labour. 31481": wnmanly, intolligunt, ebb was so succossfuli: in {summing bur ass: that a far-mar did aha thun-uMuard-or thing of inviting bar to address a Farinur'fi Institute. It was an evening muting, am "41%;? were allon'lvfi to attend. Can't. you 6w thong Homun of 1:321 sittinb 3119:", and ryfipuntful in the back roam .vhiL. thdl- nunfolk dlgcusscd thy, Scl'iDUB busimss of "'She Faulting of Games"? And fvcl thuir frightened dulighb whun om: of mmr numbor 1 darud ts lwvv that: traditional. mar position anfi bmak that. public hush? mick--thinking, a? any politickan, Hrs. Homily boson n.2- addruss by [1091273 that farmura would devoto as much thougaht to tho diet of thoir children as truly did 110 that. of thyir animals! From that owning; and from that 3' mach camp tho .;'omun's Instituhmst. ..._.- -K--. .' mu; Au'u'r} . M