. , _ Oclabu. Nineteen-Sixteen ' r Canadian Women's institutes [Continued from prect'di'ny 110.11%) conned, dried, pie'kied. ur out up in any i way intended to prolong keeping quoii- ties rnr rood purposes; not more then one ini- oi one kind Firet prize. $1M"; second prize, :12 on; third prize, 39,00; rourth prlzn. 51.00; fifth prize. 35.00; sixth prize, $3.00. And inst, but by no means least, in connecuon with the Convention, there ' will be an exhibit in sewing and arts and crane. the work oi the students at tho short courses held last winter un- der the dlrection of the Women's institute Branch. The members of the institutes have hindiy consented to loan , their work. and no doubt this wiii be a very lnleresllng feature of this year's Convention. The public and many of , our Institute memners do not realize the usefulness at such courses. By hnving n chance to inspect the many pretty and useful arilcles, they will understand how interesting and none- field! the annual winter short courses are. ERLAN D LEE (Jaw) March 24th,1961 James Lee- a British soldier who served under Ger. Cornwallis during the Revolutionary War. After the war was he settled in Maryland and Married Hannah,daughter of George and Sarah (H'on) Carma", Late;- with other Loyalist families, James moved to Canada witl family and settled on Lots 21 and 22,Concession 1V Saltfleet Township 112' The British govern- ment gave disbanded soldiers two hundred acres of 1 He was accidently killed at the raising of the first frame house huil saltfleet by an axe flying from its Handle., They/were buried'on their at the top of the New Mountain. ,, . . 3 u John Lee- born 1784 he married Mary Moore and se in the war of 1312 with the 5th Lincoln Regiment and died . They were buried at Stoney Creek. Abram Lee- Born 1823-- died 1906. married Jemima Pe ' He lived at the top of the Lee Mountain-5 17.60ncession 1v' on Edgemount Farm which comprised one hundred acresmgf the original Crown ' Granj of land given to the first James Lee. Erla (1 Lee -- Born May 3rd,1864 ---- Died June '1925 3 Mr. Lee was born and lived in the [int Lee Homestead all his life. This home is situated on the Mountain Brow Eat the top of the Lee Mountain. It is the third house-- the first being lohe second frame. and this home was added in front of the second house enlaro'it. The Lee family 'are United Empire Loyalist stock. The house is built of virgin pine cut on the property ai'rved by hand. ' I have a Hamilton Spectator- dated January 2nd, 1897. "g an account of 'p the Farmers Institute meeting. It mentions- " Erlanrl Lee, Secretary --treasurer has held the positionhich entails the greater part of the work done in connection with the Iitute ) for the past ten years. He received his education at Waterdown Hiirh SCh?°1 and "5.0,, Collegiate Institute ohtnininn a second class certificate in 1883. 885 he received a second class certificate for agriculture, given by the lcultural and Arts A ssocintion of Ontario, taking second prize for the Provi of Ontario_ > For'twelve years he has been secretary--treasurer for Saltf.' Agricultural Society, one of the most successful of Township fairs. Mr. Lee followed mixed'lfarming with special lines of jerseyancy dairy butter. aple syrup and fruit. Mr. Lee was Clerk and Treasurer of Saltfleet Township l'or mayears. was taught at the Lee School in his first School days by r s V ac ueline toes Fortune who later became Mrs. Adam Inch another prolllinel\v'i. Earlier" , e married Miss Janet (Nettie J Chisholm of Hamilton and tht'ad five children_ i. . born in the Lee Homestead and lived there all his re He went verseas in 1916 returned home to farm until his retirement ilgsgl his plaque in memory of the late Mr. Ei'land Lee is on the Lerarm' tue 01d ome is lived in by Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lee and their three daukers' another