"W MAJ! 4~Directors in Charge. Hostess--Mrs. George McCafi'rey. Community Singing. Roll Call--Payment of Membership Fees. Motto--She climbs highest who helps another.-- Mrs. R. Gamble. Discussion of problems to be brought up at District Annual Meeting. Q? OFFICERS FOR 1947-48 President--Mrs. Robert W. Gamble. Vice President--Mrs. Leonard A. MacEwen. Secretary--Treasurer--Mrs. J. C. McArthur. Assistant Sec-Treas.--Mrs. George E. McCaffrey. District Director--Mrs. D. A. McArthur. Branch Directors--Mrs. James Dempsey, Gladstone Warner, Mrs. Fred Loucks. Standing Committee Convenorsz-- Agriculture and Canadian Industries--Mrs. Russell Young; Assistant, Mrs. K. M. Boyd. Household Economics--Mrs. G. M. Walker; Assistant, Mrs. E. G. Rankin. Historical Research--Mrs. C. E. McCafl'rey; Amistant, Mrs. George E. McCaffrey. Social Welfare--Mrs. Tace Wade; Assistant, Mrs. George T. Browne. Citizenship--Mrs. D. Carson; Assistant, Miss Irene Cherry. Publicity--Mrs. George Eastman. Pianist--Mrs. E. G. Rankin. Auditors--Mrs. A Shelp, Mrs. E. G. Rankin. Mrs . <%%%*+% ~ assessed-re '%%é**%%***é*+****%*+$%%%%*%%+++fi*+%+%+%%i%*+ééééé$ . é+§+ e '2' a 'I' '1' -i< ~2- ~2- »x« ~z~ .3. ' '1' ~1- ~1- ~x« .z- .24 >1- * :- ~x« -2' i . 35 '2' R SSELL VILLAGE BRANCH OF THE Women's Institute Fbr and Home Country PROGRAMME 1947-48 INSTITUTE CREED Keep us from pettiness; let us- be large in thought, in word and deed. Let us be done with fault finding and leave off self-seeking. May we put away all pretence and meet each other face to face, without self pity and without prejudice. May we never be hasty in judgment and al- ways generous. Teach u: to put into action our better impul- ses, straightforward and unafraid. Let us take time for all things; make us grow calm, serene, gentle. May we realize that it is the little things that creat differences: that in the big things of life we are one. And may we strive to touch and know the great human heart, common to us all. And' 0, let us not forget to be kind. INSTITUTE ODE A goodly thing it is to meet In Friendship's Circle bright, Where nothing stains the pleasure sweet Nor dims the radiant light; No unkind word our lips shall pass No envy sour the mind, But each shall seek the common weal The good of all mankind. m--m--m--m--m--n--m--u--n--m--n--u--u--D--u--l-- Open Meetings on the First Tuesday of each month. EVERYBODY WELCOME ! duh-10F"JIM-ink!int-'1'+mmM*éi'*+*i'i'****+'b*%i'+$-}$$M+++M+++++M*W*Mm* %+%%+%%é%%%%*++*é++++*%%%é%é%+%+%%+. .'i-I