r. " "H JUNE 3--«-2.30 p.m.--Agriculture and Canadian Industries. COHVen'Ol'S--MI'S. Russell Young, Mrs. K. M. Boyd. Hostess--Mrs. George T. Browne. Roll Call--Name a, Flower beginning with your First Initial. - Motto--Life is like a garden, it bears the fruit you sow.---Mrs. D. A. McArthur. Refreshments-Directors in charge. Guests--The Kenmore and Morewood Institutes. JULY l--Social Welfare. Convenors--Mrs. Tace Wade, Mrs. Geo. T. Browne. Picnic at the Macdougall Park--Mothers' and Babies' Day, 2 p.m. Community Singing--Patriotic. Roll Call--A habit copied from Mother. Motto--God couldn't be everywhere, so he made Mothers--Mrs. J. Dempsey. Pot Luck Lunch at 4 p. in. Payment of Blue Cross Hospitalization Fees. AUGUST 5--Historical Research. Convenors--Mrs. C. E. McCafirery, Mrs. George E. McCafirey. Hostess--Mrs. James Dempsey. Roll Call--Bring your first Photograph. Motto-The world is taking"your photograph, look pleasant please--Mrs. R. Young. Current Events. SEPTEMBER 2--Citlzenship. Convenors--Mrs. D. Carson, Miss Irene Cherry. filostess--Mrs. H. A. Cherry. R 011 Call--The woman in public life I most admire. Motto--Home Life is the Foundation in building Citizenship--Mrs. D. Carson. Music Appreciation. OCTOBER 7--Publicity. Convenor--Mrs. George Eastman. _ Women's Institute Entertainment in Ham--Ad- mission Fee. Drama--Directed by Mrs. George T. Browne. Payment of Blue Cross Fees. NOVEMBER 4--Convention Reports. Hostess--Mrs. G. M. Walker. Roll Call--A Remembrance Day Verse. Motto--Leave your mistakes behind, but don't forget how you made them.--Mrs. K. Boyd. A Talk on the International Peace Garden-Mrs. Leonard A. MacEwen, DECEMBER 2--}Iousehold Economies. Convenors--Mrs. G. M. Walker, Mrs. E. G. Rankin. Hostess--Mrs. D. A. MacArthur. Christmas Carols. Roll Call--Bring, and buy a twenty--five cent Gift. Motto--What does Christmas mean to you?--Mrs. H. Cherry. Dem'ilj'nitlration--Arranging a Christmas Dinner 21 e. JANUARY 6--Citizenship. Convenors--Mrs. D. Carson, Miss Irene Cherry. Hostess--Mrs. G. M, Warner. Roll Call--A part of my Anatomy I would like made over, and Why. Motto--Do not get discouraged, it may be the last key on the .bunch that opens the doom--Mrs. S. Stephenson. Current Events. Contest. Payment of Blue Cross Fees. FEBRUARY 3--Agriculture & Canadian Industries. Convenors-- Mrs. Russell Young, Mrs. K. M. Boyd. Hostess----Mrs. J. C. McArthur. Roll Call--A saying of Aunt Hat, or another saying. Motto--Love makes the world go round--Mrs. J. L. Steele. Community Singing--Old Favorite Love Songs. MARCH 2--Social Welfare. Convenors--Mrs. Tace Wade, Mrs. Geo. T. Browne. Hostess--Mrs. K. M. Boyd. Roll Call--A Home Remedy. Motto--Be humble or you'll stumble--Mrs. J. Twiname, Jr. Current Events. APRIL 6--Househald Economies. Convenors--Mrs. G. M. Walker, Mrs. E. G. Rankin. Hostess--Mrs. Leonard A. MacEwen. Community Singing. Roll Call--Bring sample copy of your favorite Magazine or Paper, and tell why it is your favorite. 'Motto----Good to begin well, better to end well.-- Mrs. C. Scharfe. ANNUAL MEETING--Reports of Convenors and Election of Officers. Payment of Blue Cross Fees.