*N 4/ Prologle As far as possible the account of the historic events given in these pages is accurate. It has not been easy to get a true picture of the early days, because most of the pioneers have gone, and the record of early settlements are incomplete. Some who read this story will miss facts that to them are very important. Many of these facts we should gladly have used had we known them. Gathering these records has been a pleasant and profitable task and it is hoped that our readers will find pleasure and profit in following what has been gathered. It has been gratifying to note the courteous response acoorded to the writer by all who were approached for information. A number of persons, too many for it to be convenient to record their names --- have gone to con- siderable trOuble to hunt up material for the history. This kindly c00peration has been appreciated. I also referred to Samuel Farmer's "On The Shores Of Scugog' which I found very helpful. (Sgd) Mabel McCaffrey.