EARL? WWW/V9 397% [96577805 #5297495 #0761 94' RUSSELL jhe {Lame/L Commeiat hotel. LIL Rut/Lea [La/1 dut/wyed by {Li/1e on gamma; {0, /99/. Qt 'naw honed Rmelt'a Meat and gmeug 5ta/Le opwuzted by Mm Km 90m and lug; mite Mmeen. 'vhe Omen. of the but/ding, jun van den Veen m aerwvating the f/eluLtage Building, . An. agate/141012. owed blowing the hoof.' 0,45 Aerwfing (tech/u); (Low/14 the Meet. Windam Ln. the Campbett Building; whue 5hetdjulch 9WCC ()1 Located lZC/LDM the ataeet u/e/Le bachen. .7he mg: of 3aa4te/u1 lieu/am metted aA (ital the panelling. on the jam and County Video jig/Le. RIM/mil Jae 730991; Pha/uznd the fmh/um .7146; Belem/{mat and they gnawed huddme on eithu Aide ofl the {the die. jhe [or/mu.ch I/otet mm built in #999 and m one of the hateta in. the Ottawa Vadey. 9t mun/bled the /9/5 Lie that «teat/toyed the awe of the village. ' we (Me; 7909" PM had nutch plume {rm the Votuntee/u). who helped m Mm time and MW (1W5; the {fie/Le. jhwz/M to : the Rmeayue Deva/:an Women/4 '4 . it. y] mfle' & mmwe 730111 {Lo/L handling, Bue COWWM and Ill/11,6th #94 active mewtwn, to the Emil/Lula JLILe Deng/rtmmt flan. them mutance, #04 the ; _. Garage {Mm CW web/mm and the BoWWM, to [wt Ann 5toc/etey. flu Map and wig/gee, and (ye/my [wax fla/L ha AMI/LCM at excavating 241210 the 731mth 7'auce , .74'JLe film/WM Oflfltce , the jowmhxyy employee/1 £011. hgdmznt p/whtem wtved, Hand to anyone eble 10/10 he may have omitted.