ottawasuncanoeca Russell cookbOok also serves up old-fashioned words of wisdom RUSSELL -- "There are more accidents in the kitchen than in any other room in the house, and sometimes hus-- bands have to eat them." Those are just some of the old»fashioned words of wis- dom dished out in the new Flavour ofRussell cookbook. But it's much more than that, says its creator, Iane Adlard. Yes, the black and white, spiral--bound book contains tried and true recipes con- tributed by area cooks and gleaned from other local collections. But there are also wise say- ings, historical anecdotes, spiritual messages, old-time remedies, and little ditties, such as the formula for home made "ant cure" and hair straightener -- beef suet is the main ingredient -- along with the technique for removing "foreign bodies in the nose" mixed among the meatballs and scalloped potatoes. Honeymoon Salad There's even some down- home humour, such as the "recipe" for Honeymoon Salad: "Lettuce alonewith- out dressing," contributed , a little old lady who was t ,o embarrassed to allow her name to he used. lokes aside, the cause is a good One: Helping to make ' ends meet at St. Andrew's and St. Paul's United Church, one of three traditional congrega- tions in this village. Like many small rural Churches, St. Andrew's and St. Paul's is experiencing the double whammy of declin- ing attendance and increas» ing costs, to the point the Sun-- day collection is no longer enough. As a result, the church stew- ardship committee,'of which Adlard is a member, is reach- ing more and more into the community through fundrais- ers, such as the book project. At $12 a copy, the first batch of 100 books is pretty well sold out, Adlard said. More than half the proceeds -will be used to boost church coffers. The book is just one way the stewardship committee is tackling the church's loom-- ing deficit, said chairwoman Karen Sheldrick. A multi--faceted evening of socializing and entertain- ment was held recently in the church, complete with a foot- stompin' Newfoundland band performing from the altar. A silent auction offered some 40 items, including Mother's Day gift baskets and three original wooden pews -- which became expenda- ble when an alternative seat- ing section was created in the church for those who need it. 'lhe pews sold for $100 each. Proceeds will go into keep- ing the 120-year-old church functioning, Sheldrick said. Last year, the committee raise about $20,000 through three main fundraisers, including a strawberry social, anniversary dinner and a major auction. The committee plans to repeat the strawberry social this summer and hold another - Sheldrick said anniversary dinner in the fall. "Our 2007 fundraising goal is $5,000 but the church operating budget will need more support than that to help pay for the pastor, heat, hydro, insur- ance and other expenses," 3_ alley Among church's recipes for survival, _ ' .gsi W'HIE Jane Adlard proudly displays ' her Flavour of Russell cookbook in support of St. ' Andrew's and St. Paul's United Church. TOMVAN Mal/SUN"