944,411! 50'" Anniuezsazq Come celebrate with us on Russell House after 7 pm. En The Villager June 27, 2007 Page 5 Saturday, June 30 at tertainment by Wendy KiIts. Happy 65th Birthday g; Jflfiflifirmm ', Love from the Pronto Staff E I pleased to announce the engagement and ' l: _av£d, goslma & Sarah . Jocelyn St. Pierre are E forthcoming marriage of their daughter; Ruth Karen to Brad Michael Stanton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ken 5% {g5 Eileen Hesketh. Kn early filll Wedding is planneag';E fivwg'kzmwxwwmmax"mmfi'dultmmmzm an: new mmmmmu -' - -'AAA_A.AM" nanny 90'- ninnuay ' Kalle Warnocll t. Ann-01 _ a 'm' flow from Knutn, vvw~ «-- - V'"'-