, THURSDAY, MARCH 15, 1973 CL EATOR Disappointment rapidly turned to pleasure at the February mee- ting of the Cleator W.I'., when it was announced that the expected visiting speaker was absent through illness, but that at very short notice, her place had been taken by Miss Jean Jackson, who showed some beautiful holiday slides of visits to Italy, Venice and Capri. The members were gimme--meamaslédes sho- wing the making of the fabulous Venetian glassware. Miss Jack- son was thanked by Mrs Kitchin for helping out in an emergency, and for a most interesting pro- ful. Fashion- re shades of re and blue -- l specially at- ooms. Forget E blue if it is xrmer mauves of brown and e coming into iarsh oranges .ng in favour. atterns give a and are a pop- rooms which Casey, was welcomed by Mrs Gregg, president. Details were given of the spring show to be held in Cockermouth. It was decided to send a donation to the A.C.W.W. Save Sight project; that three members will attend the WI. social evening in March, and that a visit to the musical "South Paci- fic" in May, will be organised by Mrs Atkinson. There was a grat- up. ifying number of entries for the us for wallpa- competition for rum butter in an gage ones _ egg cup. Judged by Miss Jackson, ,c,.g,rons and the winners were Mrs Gregg and 95, These 100k Mrs R. Hodgson. Social time was ern rooms, but yer prints are gramme. A new member, Mrs' organised by Mrs Ball and Mrs Hocking, two members of the new Social Committee. KEEKLE AND PADSTOW Mrs Stewart presided over the well-attended March meeting' of the Keekle and Padstow WI. and Mrs Graham was elected delegate to attend the A.G.M. in London on June 6. Invitations were received for the fashion show at Lamplugh WJ. onwApri 10, and also for the I I H folk'dan'ce evening at Gosforth on May 5. Mrs Stewart thanked all who had helped in any way to make the rummage sale such as success. The group meeting is to be held in Overend School on April 25, and W.I. members have been asked to take interest in public work by standing for elec-- tion to the parish council. The singing picnic is to be held at Cal- dbeck Village Hall on June 18, and a summer outing on May 17 to see the work of students at Queen Margaret College, Edinburgh, is to be arranged. There are still some vacancies for the gardening course at Newton Rigg Farm School. The area meeting will be held on March 22 in Whitehaven College, where the speaker will be Mrs Pyman and the com- nl I'I'\I (\LIEIIIDTO petition is for the prettiest wine glass. Mr C. Rigney gave an ex- cellent talk with many beautiful slides on the Western Dales. He was thanked by Mrs Leech. The competition for the best black- and-white snapshot of an animal, judged by Mr Rigney, was won by Mrs B. Barwise, with Mrs Blandd second. The tea hostess was Mrs Burrows. GRAMOPHONE SOQEW Symphony No. 31. Before the recital the President Mr P. G. Fugeman gave a demon- loud- stration with two new speakers. Mr Kitchin was thanked by Mrs B. Atkinson and the refreshments were provided by Mrs Hankey and Miss Harris. WOMAN'S WILL Annie Hays, of Main Road, High Harrington, Workington,; who died on December 21 last} left £2,543 gross, £2,425 net. Probate has been granted to Mrs_Margaret At last week's meeting of the Millom and Haverigg Gramo-- phone Society the recitalist was Mr W. N. Kitchin. Records played were Beethoven's Egmont Over- ture Ballade for Paino and 0r- chestra by Faure and Haydn's - .959??? WOMEN'S INSTITUTES} SANTON BRIDGE Mrs Whinney presided over the March meeting of Santon Bridge W.I., where Mrs Sharp was voted to go as delegate to the A.G.M. in London, and Mrs Phizacklea to go to the annual meeting at Carlisle. A letter of thanks was received from the Samaritans for a dona- tion sent to them, and Mrs New- combe, who gave an interesting demonstration of Austrian coo- kery, was thanked by Mrs J. Mat- terson. The competition for two pieces of currant cake was won by: 1, Mrs Matterson; 2, Mrs Crayston; 3, Mrs Tyson. Tea host- esses were Mrs Smith and Mrs Cook, who were thanked by Mrs Moore. Entertainment was organ- ised by Mrs Crayston, and Miss Hartley kindly entertained for Mrs Eldred. Prizes were won by ,Miss Tyson, Mrs Jones (visitor), Mrs Smith and Mrs Morton. g "Be g Beautiful in i «W» FOUNDATIONS msiuom of Whitehaven aggéfléfsme I €789 it? a y